The online racing simulator
Played some more this evening, paying close attention to the FF. It's great, until the tyres slip. If I deliberately steer too far, to invoke understeer, the wheel completely loses all self-centering. I don't mean steering right over to the lock-stops either, not that that should make a massive amount of difference to the end result, I mean just a bit too far. I can take my hands off the wheel and it maintains the same angle of steering.

That seems strange to me.

Anyhoo, attached replay of some skid-paddery. First time I steer all the way over, next time I steer halfway over. You'll have to take my word for it, but I swear my hands are nowhere near the wheel whilst it isn't moving.

Is this happening to anyone else?
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Quote from KiDCoDEa :JUST DRIVE (inverted or not)

Your messages' information value is clearly close to zero.
Quote from KiDCoDEa :JUST DRIVE (inverted or not)

Is this still a problem what does it matter how a sim behaves once your car is upside down?
Quote from ajp71 :Is this still a problem what does it matter how a sim behaves once your car is upside down?

This happened to me when trying the demo!

I think the feeling when driving the demo car is nice, and I'm sure the sim will get much better in the long run and I'll probably buy it when I see everyone appears to be happy with it and online works for everybody .

But, there are quite a few oddities with the physics.... many have been mentioned before, but the most obvious one is the ability to drive the car when it's upside down!

The top of the car dissapears under the grass/tarmac and the wheels sit on the ground when inverter... allowing you to drive !

This isn't exactly realistic, and if the body of the car can go underground it makes you wonder about the rest of the physics/collision system!

Although Kid seems to go to extremes... He does have a point in this respect!
Quote from ajp71 :I'd associate understeer with this type of light feeling (and heavy under power in a FWD) but as I said I've only had understeer in a Mini. The big FWD cars in LFS do feel right when understeering under power. Will go and check my config.

You know this light understeer feeling is an effect of several factors, and actually, you really hardly feel it in real life. I think Netkar and any other simulation that has this light feeling is not getting the lightweight feel from the understeer through the steering, it actually feels like an effect done to simulate the BODY motion you undergo while in understeer, yet it really is not through the steering wheel at all in reallife. When you get understeer, it feels like your intertia suddenly goes straight your steering is ineffective. If I was driving a mini (or any of my brother's VW bugs/notchbacks which are pretty similar), the steering is like a go-kart and understeer is felt through those old types of steering setups. With newer cars, you hardly feel it through the steering, maybe so minor that you come to think this effect being in sims is a bit too excessive. LFS's steering isn't exactly power steering for most of the road cars, but probably just some direct steering method or something.

All I am saying is, I think this lightweight feel is more of a G-force feel you'd get in a real car, rather than completely through the steering. Probably if we had a chance to use the Force Dynamics 301, we'd understand this better in LFS. Just having the steering feel light on such a steering setup would actually mean that your tires have regained traction, or are returning to center, or you have transfer from a grippy surface to a slippery surface. Like if you are on try road and in a turn, and then are turning harder over a patch of wet road, your wheel would then feel a lot lighter. But for normal dry conditions, steering becomes a lot more 'tense' and the force on the car under high loads is felt through the steering. The steering wouldn't just become 'light' all of a sudden.

Quote from CharlieP :Although Kid seems to go to extremes... He does have a point in this respect!

Yes he does. Especially because, when online I'd much rather see a crappy skin made by someone, than people driving upside down online........

get some speed then full brake and full lock steer. f2000 here, default set, didnt test others coz tbh i couldnt careless and already erased the game.
in game its much worse than what u see in this vid. car has no idea what to do. left right left right hey w8 i still havent tried this, lets spin at 5 kmh.
avon powered.
Ummm, wow, something very Pro in that video, a must see
(deggis) DELETED by deggis
Haha, that did look "quite" weird. Love the song choice too.

Tänä iltana ei tuu pakkeja!
That looked weird...where you got that song? (or why )
He sang it himself, whilst recording in fraps.
Quote from KiDCoDEa :didnt test others coz tbh i couldnt careless and already erased the game.

Couldn't care less? Still you keep posting here. I just want to say that f*ck you. You are a good example why LFS fans are so hated in the sim community. I bet you've posted that to forums at least 20 times, just to piss off others without any real value in your posts.

Quote from tristancliffe :He sang it himself, whilst recording in fraps.

I would guess DoN made that video.

And the song is Finnish radio hit song which is 100% crap altough it is supposed to be a joke song.
Yeah of course. Czech flag, and 'pro' for the driver name in the cockpit... because he is 'PRO' afterall you know

YARLY :owl:
Quote from Tweaker :Yeah of course. Czech flag, and 'pro' for the driver name in the cockpit... because he is 'PRO' afterall you know

YARLY :owl:

Maybe he doesn't want to give too much information about himself lol
Quote from deggis :Couldn't care less? Still you keep posting here. I just want to say that f*ck you. You are a good example why LFS fans are so hated in the sim community. I bet you've posted that to forums at least 20 times, just to piss off others without any real value in your posts.

what kind of reply do you want?
Quote from ajp71 :Online NP good FPS I'm not going to complain about FPS dips at the start, sure N2003 maybe better but nK is a lot worse.

jesus christ will you stop repeating the same nonsense about n2003 anytime soon ? that game is 3 years old and programmed for a medium setup at that time which is about a 4 year old high end machine ... of course it runs a hell lot better on you lower medium pc than current games

Quote from tristancliffe :Agreed, but I like the flashing shift lights, rather than the perfect gear change light we have in LFS.

whats so bad about it ? the in car computer has the data which gear your in and the engines revs
and from the current gearbox settings you can calculate the perfect shift points within a few minutes (seconds if you use a program like bobs grc for it)
all thats left then is a case statement for the gear and if rev > n statements to decide when to light the led
not rocket sience to build such a light ... heck i could do it for you in a few seconds if i had the data

Quote from ajp71 :Logitech DFP (untouched except for squash ball)

My settings in LFS analogue steer smooth is set to 0

wow how could you possibly set your dfp up so badly for lfs ?
either go with 720 (in the profiler and in lfs) and wheel turn compensation set to 1 with ff (in lfs) at 80
or use something in the 200-300° range with wheel turn comp at about .7-8 with ff set to about 40-60
Quote from KiDCoDEa :what kind of reply do you want?

As bad as you can give.

Can I have the dessert menu now, please?
Quote from KiDCoDEa :what kind of reply do you want?

How about something you haven't said already 10 times?
Quote from KiDCoDEa :

get some speed then full brake and full lock steer. f2000 here, default set, didnt test others coz tbh i couldnt careless and already erased the game.
in game its much worse than what u see in this vid. car has no idea what to do. left right left right hey w8 i still havent tried this, lets spin at 5 kmh.
avon powered.

This is stupid. The game is bugged, so what? Its not like the devs aren't going to fix this. What if people made videoes of LFS showing off the worst bugs and proclaiming the game sucks?
Quote from deggis :Couldn't care less? Still you keep posting here. I just want to say that f*ck you. You are a good example why LFS fans are so hated in the sim community. I bet you've posted that to forums at least 20 times, just to piss off others without any real value in your posts.

So, he's a good example of why LFS fans are hated? Either put a cork in it or explain how telling someone FU could possibly improve the image of all these so-called hated LFS fans... If you complain about the posts someone keeps making by dragging yourself down to the same level you see them at, you're no better.

If you dislike Kids posts so much, you could always try the smart thing and 'ignore' him.
Let's move on shall we (noooo!)

Despite all the obvious bugs and sh*t, I like it. A lot. The F1600 feels so natural from the beginning and now without the steering lag I am starting to learn the car. When I spin in nk I know why it did so. Like in LFS. I like the graphics too even if there is little too eyecandy and the tracks are a bit liveless. But at least the pits look like pits and not like some straight with odd building next to it. Parking the car inside the pit box, tweaking the setup and going bac to track, starting and stalling the cars etc. Me likes.

Still, driving 90% of the time the F1600 and 1800. The other too are too boring with infinite amount of grip. Though they handle pretty predictable.

My next target is to get a sub 1:39 with the f1600 at aviano gp (or whatever where ever with whatever it was )

It just feels so good. And that's the main thing. No LFS in the next few days
Quote from Scirocco :So, he's a good example of why LFS fans are hated? Either put a cork in it or explain how telling someone FU could possibly improve the image of all these so-called hated LFS fans... If you complain about the posts someone keeps making by dragging yourself down to the same level you see them at, you're no better.

If you dislike Kids posts so much, you could always try the smart thing and 'ignore' him.

* Link removed* Posting a link to a crack isn't much different than posting the crack itself. - Scirocco
Tell me how that post can improve image of LFS players. Even the people there knows who the writer is, despite the cover-nickname.

I bet that's not the only post in there or where Kid's posts' only mission seems to be just piss off other people. I don't even like nK Pro (at least for now) but this is more about principles.
So posting "cracks" is ok then?

kid, what an idiotic move. (ignore on, cya)

So that's the mussolini thing
140 Members on that forum, what does it matter anyways....

Besides, we aren't the only people that are 'devotees' to a simulation we like... take a look around, there are others all over for GPL, GTL, Netkar, and practically everything else... it's just as long as the game grabs their jingles hard enough and makes them squeal "WOW!!!" Then you are 'whipped' for good.
(Stregone) DELETED by Stregone
(Matrixi) DELETED by Matrixi
Quote from deggis :I bet that's not the only post in there or where Kid's posts' only mission seems to be just piss off other people. I don't even like nK Pro (at least for now) but this is more about principles.

Principles? Does that mean I should ban you for your attitude in a few posts here + posting a crack?

LFS Community gives nKPro a go?
(777 posts, started )