#1 - lvlo
How to: make Join2LFS links work in Ubuntu
Here is a simple guide to make Join2LFS links work in Ubuntu (Gnome).

1. Download Join2LFS here and extract file "Join2LFS.exe" to your LFS folder.

2. Launch Gnome Terminal and run few simple commands:
sudo gedit /usr/bin/Join2LFS.sh

Put this script there (please don't forget to replace PATH_TO_LFS with your full path to LFS folder):
WINEDEBUG=-all wine Join2LFS.exe "$@"

Save script, close Gedit and run:
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/Join2LFS.sh

3. Firefox Browser (why this way):

In Gnome Terminal window run next 3 commands:
gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/lfs/command "Join2LFS.sh %s"

gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/lfs/enabled true

gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/lfs/needs_terminal false

Launch Firefox -> go to LFS World -> choose a server you want to login and click on lfs link () -> in "Launch Application" window choose "Join2LFS.sh" and check in "Remember my choice for lfs links" then of cause click OK Voila!

4. Opera Browser:

Launch Opera browser -> Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Programs -> click "Add.." -> type "lfs" (without quotes) in "Protocol" line -> type "Join2LFS.sh" (without quotes) in "Open with other application" line -> Ok

5. Epiphany Browser (with Gecko rendering engine):

Open Gnome Terminal and run:
sudo gedit /etc/gnome/epiphany/default-prefs.js

in the end of file add next lines:
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.lfs", true);
pref("network.protocol-handler.warn-external.lfs", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.app.lfs", "Join2LFS.sh");

Save and close Gedit. Don't forget to restart Epiphany.

Nota Bene 1: if you have problem to type and see messages in LFS on your native language, add LC_ALL variable to script file. For example in my case (russian locale which Windows uses) script will looks like:
cd /home/lvlo/Applications/LFS_S2
WINEDEBUG=-all [B]LC_ALL=ru_RU.CP1251[/B] wine Join2LFS.exe "$@"

Nota Bene 2: if you want to close you browser after LFS start, install wmctrl package by this command:
sudo apt-get install wmctrl

and add to the end of Join2LFS.sh file next lines:
while sleep 5
if [ $(ps -A | grep LFS.exe | grep -v ps | grep -v Join2LFS.exe | wc -l) = 1 ]
wmctrl -c "Firefox"
wmctrl -c "Opera"
wmctrl -c "LFS Desktop"
exit 0
exit 0

Good luck and thank you for your time
Nice guide! I rarely play LFS under Linux, but thank you for taking the time to post this
#4 - lvlo
Can you make a Logitech G25 work under Ubuntu with Wine for LFS?
#6 - lvlo
Quote from FiXeR_nl :Can you make a Logitech G25 work under Ubuntu with Wine for LFS?

I just don't have G25. But you can take a look here for some info.