I've made addition to LFS Estonian Community skinpack.
Volkswagen Scirocco 2008/2009 season skin
Volkswagen Scirocco 2007/2008 season skin
Other skins : http://www.lfsestonia.net/skins.php
Skins is uploaded and is allowed to use for everyone who likes / wants to promote LFS Estonia
Hope You like it
Best Regards, Kirill Dremljuga
Co-Leader of LFS Estonia
Volkswagen Scirocco 2008/2009 season skin
Volkswagen Scirocco 2007/2008 season skin
Other skins : http://www.lfsestonia.net/skins.php
Skins is uploaded and is allowed to use for everyone who likes / wants to promote LFS Estonia

Hope You like it

Best Regards, Kirill Dremljuga
Co-Leader of LFS Estonia