The online racing simulator
On my own?!
(42 posts, started )
AAA batteries? MP3 player!
This thread gives me lulz. I don't know how these things work in the States, one thing you can consider in terms of supporting yourself is taking a student loan and sticking it in the bank, working (especially on term holidays) and by the end you'll have dosh after paying your loan back
Quote from Becky Rose :I recommend an ample supply of AAA batteries, or whatever floats your boat.

i was thinking more of Cs or Ds
This thread has started to slope downhill.

Greg- welcome to the middle of nowhere! Lots of nice backroads to have fun on. Hills and snow, too. Welcome!
Wll thank you for your imput! I am now graduated, and next step is going to wyotech!
My last post B4 I move to my dorm!....I leave USA eastern time 5pm from florida to head to pennsilvania, wish me luck!

The dorm life for me!
Quote from greg_slideways :My last post B4 I move to my dorm!....I leave USA eastern time 5pm from florida to head to pennsilvania, wish me luck!

The dorm life for me!

good luck
Trust me, it will be *awesome*.

I moved away from my parents to go to university when I was 18, and it was the best thing I ever did. You'l feel a bit homesick for ther first few days, but as you say, you'll be in a dorm with lots of other people in exactly the same situation, so it won't be long before you're all friends.

I find it funny looking up people I used to know on Facebook to find they're still living with their parents in the same village despite the fact that they're now in their 30s.
#35 - MR_B
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :I messed up should of got A's-B's in GCSE's instead got D-B's mostly C's. Atleast you got another chance and wasn't as immature as i was back then, didn't listen to anyone, a reason i think the school leave age should be 18 or make it compulsary to go to college, at 15 your too immature to decide, in some cases the rest of your life, you've got the chance, grab it with both hands.

But in the real word gcse's are worth sod all. It's all down to experience. Anyone can easily get to university and get themselves a good degree with straight C's.
And then change their mind at the last minute and do something completely different! (I should know, I've switched from Motorsport Eng to Photography :razz
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :a reason i think the school leave age should be 18 or make it compulsary to go to college, at 15 your too immature to decide, in some cases the rest of your life, you've got the chance, grab it with both hands.

I agree with this statement.
Quote from greg_slideways :Ok, to start off, I am 18, I am currently in a millitary academy and live there, But in two weeks I am done with it (December 13th). I will have my high school diploima from it and that makes me happy...But On january 6th I move to pennsilvania from florida. I will be all alone and live by myself in a dorm, Ive never been away for long other then these 6 months at camp. I have One family member about 45 mins away from where Im moving. But im not really sure how to stay strong on my own, while Im at school and supporting myself???

Ok, so what I was wondering is how did you handle it? If you have been in a simaliar situation!

id honestly be shocked for the first few weeks but its a good life lesson as your family wont always be there...

learning to stand on your own two feet, nothing wrong with that

Quote from DTrott :I agree with this statement.

i agree 110 %, im just lucky i got a job when i left.

wish i could say the same about friends working in tesco am similar places....

modern day slavery
posting now form my laptop in my dorm! wow this is great school starts tuesday! hehe
Wicked. If you ever feel lonely, just look at your avatar
Ok, So I am situatied in my new dorm! OMG you all where right! I love it, although me and the girlfreind are through, and that didnt work-out(o well), But I love it here!
Quote from greg_slideways :Ok, So I am situatied in my new dorm! OMG you all where right! I love it, although me and the girlfreind are through, and that didnt work-out(o well), But I love it here!

Lucky... couldn't get rid of my better half if i tried... and i have
Have you scored yet?

On my own?!
(42 posts, started )