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How much music do you have on your PC?
(40 posts, started )
How much music do you have on your PC?
Just wondering how much music people have on their PC's, I have 7.3GB's of mp3's, probably 95% of it legally brought or ripped from CD, this is about 105 hours worth, no way I'd ever be able to listen to it all, but its nice to have all that music in one place, plus I stream it across the house wirelessly so I can listen it where ever (not that my house is big enough really )

What have you got?.

...nothing. I mostly listen to internet radio. (limbik frequencies)

-sometimes i download amateur music - demos, dj mixes, etc. ...all legal.

I prefer to play CD's on my stereo.

No space for music, all work.
2 gigs. 38 hours. all ripped from cds.
6,42 GB 89+ hours of music ^^
151'455'877 Bytes
360 GB mp3/FLAC
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
9.29GB, 141 hours, mostly WMV.
25,690 MP3s, eating 143GB, playtime: 10 weeks, 4 days.

Edit: Playlist Warning: will take long time to load
Blimey, I thought I had a lot, apparently not LOL.

As for the quality issue, I used to be worry about it, but decided that also as it is encoded above 192 then any degredation in quality was a placebo effect.

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
About 125 GB on the hard disk(s) in MP3.

files: 16833
running time: 70d 32min 35sec, so just over 10 weeks
#12 - need
Quote from thisnameistaken :Maybe it's whatever encoders I was using then but I was definitely losing stuff. Stuff I didn't notice until I listened to the CD version again.

Yep, you do lose stuff when you convert music to mp3. The better your hi-fi, the more noticeable it is.
20 GB of .ogg files here
1755 songs, 7.36 GB, 107 hours 13 mins, nearly all legally purchased
Attached images
I only have a small ammount of music on my PC (~20gb), which is random songs people tell me I should listen to (bar a couple of CD's and Tapes I copied to my HDD to send people a song from them or put on my MP3 player). The rest of my music is on tape <3

Tape > CD > .mp3
1,283 songs, 5.19Gb

Comprises of:
- Metallica
- Trivium
- Alter Bridge
- Joe Satriani
- In Flames
- Dream Theater
- Iron Maiden
- Trapt
- Soul Doubt

..and thats it
Not much.
Attached images
My Music.jpg
10520 files on my Music partition, 12,2 GB

This includes self made music. But I also have some Music files on other partitions. Well I need a lot of music as i need them on the radio, although there are surely files that I don't use/listen anymore.
i estimate something between 5 and 10 gigs.
besides being highly addicted to music i also play electric guitar.
my musical tastes are highly similar to kidzer´s.
#21 - troy
4749 tracks in playlist, average track length: 57:23
Estimated playlist length: 4542 hours 58 minutes 2 seconds

about 250gb sounds, looks a bit strange maybe but its 99% livesets
a FXR egine rev is all the music i need
#23 - Jakg
used to have 10 Gb of 1000 Kb/sec WMA's until i accidently installed Ubuntu on the wrong partition!'s all on my ipod :-) Only 800+ songs though.
#25 - Lino

How much music do you have on your PC?
(40 posts, started )