That was supposed to be sarcasm Mr. Obvious. I'd say it isn't a wise to undermine views of the spectators. Very arrogant of you. Obviously other people have never driven round that track.
Yes, including me
"..if poeple who raced BF1 in oneGP say something..." - yes, sorry for that, bit arogant indeed. I wanned to get some attention; but good to hear pearcy, amb and roby tho.
That said I believe BL1 is better for racing. Trying to pass someone after straight on reverse config through the kerb ridden chicane is asking for trouble.
right... with slow cars you've up to 3 overtaking opportunities... but with F1s it would only be the long straight... on reverse it wouldn't be really possible to go through it without a major SC causing accident... The S/F-Straight is long enough, but there is not enough grip... and the angle you have on T1 is also quiet dangerous
Good point there, many dangerous places to overtake.
Also everyone is experienced enough to have a try on that track. In my opinion it would be a good competetive start of season.
Btw, not knowing a track is not a problem for me, i shown that on ky nat rev, so long rev and as north rev.
I'm also a bigger fan of BL1r over BL1. It's a dangerous track no matter which direction. But I think that as long as people realize that, it won't be so bad. BL1 was pretty clean in season 1 so there's no reason BL1r can't be clean as well.
I don't think the standard of drivers would be high enough in this league to have a no TC race. I can think of only a few drivers that may enter this league that could actually race the BF1 with no TC.
Racing is different to hotlapping and league racing is different to pickup. A big part of it is not pushing too hard when you're in a fight, which is a skill not many have.
F'k it. No tc ftw. Lets have 1 or 2 rounds in next season that have no tc. I haven't tried many races without it but I think it's worth it to see how it turns out at least. At the very least it'd be funny lol.
Hehe yes, thats mainly true, but probably it doesnt give us anything or at best -0.05 s (only when going out a corner), sometimes it works for a WR but personaly i dont like the sound of TC working, in some places you get the feeling of more power.