Protest (naturally) at car 8 for the stupid take-out of myself in race 1. There's no point in turning up if something like that is going to ruin your race. Thanks also for being so slow in the hay bale section.
Thanks KoK for leaving a tyre in my way!

You helped me roll the car again! Watch the incident between Mr T and Kok in the sprint as myself and a tyrecome flying through the air!
The feature was a failure in terms of a rolling start. (Although it was mainly due to those eejits up the front! :tilt

You can't tell people odd numbers to go left if you haven't worked out what number you are. The easiest way to do it is to not have the SC at the start. This allows you to just pair up with the person alongside. The SC can then come through the field before T1, or take the field when they come round for a 2nd lap.
Car 82, give a bit more room when lapping please.
Mucked up the tyre setup changes between races so the car was crap, meaning I spun a couple of times. Big problem with these cars and layout is it's hard to recover safely from an incident. (Didn't get much help from the 3 admins either!


And the fact that almost every corner is blind doesn't help. I think the AU design philosophy needs to take this into account.
Another thing, why the hell did we need 2 SCs??? We already have low grids so using two as SCs was pointless? Couldn't we just have the leader becoming SC, with everyone on Vent as we're supposed to be there shouldn't be any problems?
Funniest moment though was in my mirrors as the SCs were told to get back!
So yeah, I do wonder why I bother...