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what too get the women for christmas ?
(39 posts, started )
#27 - Jakg
I have the same problem, I have no idea what to get my girlfriend, I am moving back to the Czech Republic on friday after 14 years in ther UK, I want to be close to her but no idea what to get her for xmas.... it is starting to worry me as I do not have much time left.. maybe i should wrap myself..

Get her a romantic weekend in Paris. Then you can make up all the time you've lost. Have Christmas dinner in the restaurant on top of the Eifel Tower (there was one there in Rush hour 3 so I guess there's one there in RL as well), ignore how expensive it is - It'll last a lifetime.
Give her sperm.

EDIT: No don't tell her you made it yourself, dumbass. /facepalm
Tickets to the West End. Has to be surprising otherwise don't bother!
#33 - CSU1
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Girls love sex toys. Try those.

Only works if shes a nympho.
..and they same to be a rare breed sadly.
1. talk to her friends.
2. Disregard her friend's advice and get an aston martin!
3. Live alone with aston martin!
Get her one of those spa and massage thingy's, I'm sure she'll love it.
A gift for yourself and pretend it is for her.


Electric shaver

Another great idea I just came up with. Do you, by any chance, happen to be a bit bored with the kitchen colors? I mean, maybe try some different colors, renovate the kitchen a bit? Maybe buy her a yellow apron?
A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post to cover just this eventuality

Click me
I was reading through this list suggested, and I couldn't help but smile to myself...
  1. How old is she? Younger
  2. What does she do? Me
  3. How material is she? Very
  4. Is she fashion conscious? Very
  5. What size is she? Just my type
  6. What are her interests? Fooking WoW
  7. Get one of her friends to find out for you? Nah she told me herself, she isnt getting that for Xmas though.
    Do you like her? Is it Tuesday? Diary says "Sortah"

I got xmas sorted but it's quickly followed by our anniversary and that scares me to death! I want to make that the most special day we've ever shared - in my book this is some flowers, the day spent together talking and holding hands, a lovely meal, followed by chocolates and a few drinks, and stuff... In her book this would be a new laptop (which I cant afford!), followed by an evening of World of Whatevercraft, we'll probably bicker over that and spend a week as single entities which gives her more time to raid [all part of what makes the day special]. Alternatively some grand gesture resulting in me petitioning the government for a bail out plan is in order.

I've no idea how to make anniversaries special, part of me would like to deliberately forget.

what too get the women for christmas ?
(39 posts, started )