:doh: Quote : "Legal use will be possible after buying an annual licence from us," he was quoted by the newspaper Kommersant as saying. "It won't cost that much - tens of thousands of dollars," added the businessman, who is president of Superfone, a company that sells advertising on mobile phones. Quote :The president of Russian social networking site, Nikita Sherman said: "You're not likely to find any retards in Russia who'll pay Superfone for the use of emoticons". Gotta love the russians
I thought the patent office said he didn't have the trademark for it few days ago, although they might have been bribed since then. ;-)
Quote from Dajmin :In Soviet Russia, smiley uses YOU! LOL This dude is lame Includes ;-) and So does this mean companies who are already using these emoticons in their company logo/name have to pay although they've had it BEFORE this Russian dude?
Quote from Electrik Kar :But who will patent... the burning banana!?? :bananadea If it's a Russian banana, it's mine.
Quote :You're not likely to find any retards in Russia who'll pay Superfone for the use of emoticons Maybe Abramovich will pay.
Quote from Shadowww :In Soviet Russia, day mades you! Even I see the grammar fail there, and that's bad lol Funny tho, Russian vodka ftw!