The online racing simulator
Quote from moskvich3v1 :Thank you gills but i can't load the sound i also can't load xrg capry v6

All working perfectly for me.

Just place files in lfs/data/engine, then start game, choose the car, start the race, open up carsound menu (shift A) load the sound, and it should work fine, mine did.
yes i know dude but when i press it twice to load it says ''could not read the engine'' :o is it for patch Z?
1000 thanks for the Clio... also the other few as i downloaded them too
Quote from moskvich3v1 :yes i know dude but when i press it twice to load it says ''could not read the engine'' :o is it for patch Z?

Yes. Im on patch z and they all work ok for me mate. Don't know what else to suggest really, as it SHOULD work.
this isnt techical assistance
post a larger pic of the text
Quote from AudiBG :Oh, yes I forgot to write this. I need M3 sound for XRG !

That video link gives me the message: The video you have requested is not available.
The video you have requested is not available.

If you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.

Quote from AudiBG :Oh, yes I forgot to write this. I need M3 sound for XRG !

Because the link you provided did not work for me I just did the sound from a different video of the same vehicle. Hope it is still sufficient.
Attached files
XRG_GillsE36'92.eng - 164.4 KB - 789 views
You can export it yourself:

Click the "S" on the right & give it a name.
Can any 1 help me i wanna use theese sounds ,after s15 sound i can't load the last three sounds.In lfs when i load any of the last three sound it says ''Could not read hte engine''
if you use those new test patch z (like z4 z5 etc) who know .. maybe its a compatibility probleme i dont know ? edit : (or if Gills use those test patch too) realy i dont know i say that but i realy dont know i try to help you but ..

edit : i forgot a ''S'' after ''GILL'' rofl i'm so sorry my lord Gills4life
Swift plz (take 2)
I'm using test patch Z8.
Quote from Gills4life :I'm using test patch Z8.

I think this is the problem i am just in Z Can you fix it please =)
Sure. Fix: Download Z8 lol.
lol why? it is just test patch??and there are just simple updates like abs,and there isn't VWS? why should i dL it
Quote from moskvich3v1 :lol why? it is just test patch??and there are just simple updates like abs,and there isn't VWS? why should i dL it

well.....why not?

and it has updated shadows
Quote from G!NhO :well.....why not?

and it has updated shadows

Yes this si true but it is only TEST patch!! there might be bugs and etc..
Quote from moskvich3v1 :Yes this si true but it is only TEST patch!! there might be bugs and etc..

yes ok.........................JUST DOWNLOAD THE FREAKING PATCH WILL YOU!!!!
Quote from moskvich3v1 :Yes this si true but it is only TEST patch!! there might be bugs and etc..

In all the time that you've been arguing about not getting the patch, you could've downloaded it and had everything fine but nooooooo you had to complain.

Gills' Sound Workshop
(1523 posts, started )