Well. It's possible. The flickering I know from experience, severe lag can also cause the entire track vanish into thin air

The engine sound issue is related: When you see other cars lagging (lag 0.xx), you don't hear their sound. Constant lag can cause the sound to behave like an on/off switch being toggled really fast, causing a stuttering effect.
The first thing to do would be to confirm this only applies to multiplayer, thus, it really is down to network lag. Go into single player mode, add a few AIs, does the same thing happen? Download a MoE MPR, does it happen then? If not, it's not an SP issue.
Then, more info on how you access the internet. OS, modem/router models, wireless or wired, what other applications are loaded into memory which access the internet. Automatic updates, torrents, downloads, uploads etc. can all cause huge lag and spikes. Turn them off. Trying to find the source of the lag, if you have a router, ping it. Trace the route to the master server, and ping that too.
- open command prompt (start > run... > cmd)
* if you have a router, type in
ipconfig; note the IP address for the 'Default Gateway' field
* type in
ping -t xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; replace xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx with the value of 'Default Gateway'
* After about ten pings, press
ctrl-c at the same time to end the pinging
- type in
tracert master.lfs.net and wait for it to complete
- also try pinging the master server, same thing as pinging your router, except replace xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx with master.lfs.net
To show us the results, you can either take a screen capture by pressing the 'Print Scrn' button and pasting the image to a picture editor (like mspaint). Save the images as JPG!
Or you can copy the contents of the command prompt window by clicking the right mouse button > select all > highlight the section you want to copy > click the right mouse button anywhere on the
text you want to copy > paste the results in your post
Or (

) save the results of the pings and traceroute to a file by adding
> filename.txt at the end of each command. E.g.,
ping -t master.lfs.net > ping_master.txt