#76 - vari
Quote from vari :Play/Race?

..... I do it and it just says I'm entered for a race. I've waited for 2hours on this and it does nothing..
#79 - vari
2.14 something in race mode (weather: snow).
saw your 2.13, vari.
hoe: 0
vari: 2
Ski Challenge 2010
epic bumpage

The annual game update has been released.

Link to the ~40mb game is here.

Just finished downloading it and i'll try it out soon
#82 - vari

I started a ski group called Live for Speed to make it easy to compare times. So far I've sent invitations to RudiTurbo and DaHoe. Let me know your account names if you want to join

Group page is here http://sf.sc10.greentube.com/m ... e+for+Speed&m=members
Login at http://www.skichallenge.ch/en/rankingoverview to see your invitation (It's also possible to apply I hear, no idea how though)

I'm gonna explain few things about the game here for reference since many seem to be asking in IRC
  • It's a free game. download here: http://www.skichallenge.ch/en/
  • It's about setting a fast time. You can select any ghost in the game and ski against it.
  • First you qualify for the race. Qualifying is open til the race weekend and immediately after that for the next race again. You can try as many times as you like.
  • It's the time you set during the race weekend that decides your ranking. You can try as many times as you like but the race is only open for friday, saturday and sunday. Schedule is here: http://www.skichallenge.ch/en/overview
It looks like this, video is from 09 season: http://vari.1g.fi/kuvat/temp/v ... iChallenge-vari-DaHoe.avi
I tried it before 2:08 my fail time, i can go faster but i keep screwing up. I'm only using that last setting before custom intensity or what ever Maybe i best be investing in some custom help?
Am enjoying this game so far, just started playing it and i got a 2.03 time. So it ain't to bad but still slow compared to the rest Quite good fun though
Quote from vari :Yeah!
Let me know your account names if you want to join

adagio4lv Started yesterday, got 2.07, after todays 1hour ski maraton got to 1.59. Must say i got little addict after learning the track and physics
#86 - vari
Quote from adagio4lv :adagio4lv Started yesterday, got 2.07, after todays 1hour ski maraton got to 1.59. Must say i got little addict after learning the track and physics

Invitation sent, login to see it
Thepibe here.... got a 2:00.1

i dont get why this stupid game puts me as a swiss, if i clearly put CANADA on my profile... -.-''
First run with beginner skis was a 2:28. Second run i did with the extreme skis and got a 2:10.

Gonna register now.
Ok my name is sil3nt.
Quote from swisscosmo :if the download is 32MB big how are the graphics? cause that small download and good graphics thats rare.

If the developers are good at graphics designing and its on latest dx or some then even on this size, they can make the game go low fps on ur hi-end graphics card. "Trine" is a good example (a game). 400mb, average texture sizes but includes all kinds of blooms, AA's and much more. It didnt run very good on my old nvidia 8600gt tho. 16gb of GTA IV ran faster. ^^
#91 - vari
Invites sent^^
Love this game, everything works nicely on full settings, graphics are very nice, competition is challenging (very good). Custom settings FTW man, easy to change them to fit own style
Im rocking SeaRanger as my name at the moment. Got down to a 2.06 i was about to hit 2.05 but i messed up stupid gates jumping out at me!
What also sucks is your suits cant be black, unless you choose that design which sucks Mines pink and purple at the moment, i look so sexy in it, haha also is there a difference between a guy and the girl? I mean the girl should go faster because there smaller and more nimble. But i guess its even ey?
I'd like an invite please.

Username - Bean0
Downloaded yesterday, kept my nick from the last season: bbman...

PB right now is 1:59.484, some small errors in that but quite pleased so far...
Username is Powerslave.

What ski settings do you guys use?

BTW Astroboy...women are usually slower in skiing than men.
Can i get an invite too please.

Username - 1993weeman

Great game
I suck at this, but I love it! Just broken the 2 minute barrier (not the only barrier I've broken.)
Quote from timdpr :i suck at this, but i love it! Just broken the 2 minute barrier (not the only barrier i've broken.)

Invites sent^