I'm pleasently surprised how many positive posts about multi-class racing I read in the last couple of days.
That seems to be of high value to a quite some people - which is a good thing
I'm all for introducing multi-class racing to Race 2!
Yes, TBO + LRF was tried before & it didn't quite work -
In my understanding that has to do with the car's power-to-weight ratio, which was pretty close. BUT at the same time there were indeed "incompatible handling" - issues that were never overcome. There were simply so many different lines and accel/brake-points for all those cars that it was too much to handle for most racers at silver/gold stage.
Now again, TBO + STD is a very different animal. I think this could work out for the better. And at peak times of day this would clearly mean a releave for Race 1 and the newbies while at the same time give us STD & TBO-lovers a far better competetive environment and a larger variety of tracks to race on.
On another note: If multi-class racing is considered too risky on Race 2 how about a simple interchanging class pattern? One race TBO, the next one STD, and so forth... ?
Me, I'd clearly prefer Race 2 to be multi-class
btw: Merry Christmas!