The online racing simulator
are the world records being reset with the new update?
i'm sorry but i can't read through an 800 post thread on the new update.

with all the new physics being implimented will the world records be reset as well?

Yes. And they would be beaten anyway because physics are improved.
Quote from Blackout :...they would be beaten anyway because physics are improved.

That's not necessarily true.
If there is more grip and cars are more easier to control, why not? But its good they reset them.
But better physics should also be less exploitable.
Anyway, the patch knows all and will answer all our questions and dreams.
good point farcar

blackout.. hes got you; i wasnt thinking about it either, but the aero has also improved so its not just the tires... dunno, but im pretty sure they will be slightly faster
Oh yes true, I was only thinking the slower cars. But yes, the oval WRs are going to slow down because the nose exploit fixed and other ones wich you could use that. But some are going to be beaten because the lowspeed grip issue fixed
#8 - DR3W
Ya so this also mean. All thows F08 sets with nose 3 foot in air are going to be useles!
i hope this makes the f08 more popular i only know of a few people outside of leagues that like to race the f08 with the current physics.
Quote from Blackout :If there is more grip and cars are more easier to control, why not? But its good they reset them.

I don't think lack of grip is the problem with LFS. Surely the devs know how to simulate grip in steady state cornering correctly - it should be very easy to verify. It's the transient behaviour of the tires that is probably the subject of the next patch.
#11 - Jakg
hmmmmm, where will i get sets from once the patch is out? all my old ones will be slower if they use an exploit, and how will i know if they do?
If the front is higher than the back, you can delete it. Quite simple.
Maybe not the oval ones though, because I'd imagine in reality a high nose will reduce the drag a little. Since you don't need to turn much on the oval tracks the understeer caused by using a high nose may not be bad enough to completely make it undriveable.
I hope if using high nose, in high speed it gets lifted off the ground and the car flips around.. that will teach them
Quote from Blackout :I hope if using high nose, in high speed it gets lifted off the ground and the car flips around.. that will teach them

If you find that post from scawen in that 800-posts monster thread, you'll see, that undertray isnt modelled completely yet, so prolly you wont lift then and flip around. Well, dunno, if wings are enough...
Wing or undertray wouldn't be enough to lift the car off the ground and flip it I'd imagine. It would have to be also from some strong drafts on the track, and usually such cars flip over rolling hill sections of a track, or like we saw with the CLR, from tailing a car too.

Maybe with the wings set to make a car 'fly' in LFS, it could be possible with the high wind setting, lol
Was just joking, but would be amazing to it see some day
edit. oh, you look horrible tweak, I preferred the frog or Ralph, seems you can do anything with plastic surgery nowdays
#19 - agor
So there is not a real answer...if there will be reseted...
anyway, I guess we'll find out when it will be reseted or not :-)
I think Scawen or Victor have mentioned atleast once somewhere around here. Every time when physics are modified hotlap stats are erased. I think because they just come invalid with laps done with different physic version (hotlaps, not the devs).
#21 - agor it's cool...there will be driving and sending hotlaps all day and gonna be fun... :-)))
Who's gonna send more hotlaps and faster at same time. Just can't w8 to relase that patch.
Any news when should that happen? Just this month, don't know when, right?
My apologies to hotlappers whose virtual penis is going get a 5 centimetre cut pretty soon.
If the hotlaps are not reset then lots of people will become confused when they download a WR to watch only to find it doesn't work in LFS R. Delete them so that all downloadable hotlaps are for the current version of LFS and all is well, an easily understandable.
what we need to see is grip loss (or airtime) in the FOX and FV8 when they get turned around backwards
Quote from XCNuse :what we need to see is grip loss (or airtime) in the FOX and FV8 when they get turned around backwards

Well...aerodynamics are calculated from the wing angle now iirc