Head 2 Head racing with betting
Can we pleaseeeeeeee have that server back up I loved the betting and 1 on 1 racing where did it go anyway?
Don't know!
#3 - Kaw
awwww cant he give the system to someone who would look after it? shame to loose such great server
I would run the system if someone was willing to get a server going for it. It's down because servers are too expensive, I would love to see it up again, but who knows.
As an admin of the Dash4Cash servers, I would love to see it back. Currently we don't have the resources to get it going butu we might start working on that soon...
i see, well i hope its back up soon
Quote from blackbird04217 :I would run the system if someone was willing to get a server going for it. It's down because servers are too expensive, I would love to see it up again, but who knows.

Send me a pm Tim, and we'll have a chat
Yeah, here's another one who would like to have it back.
And another, was a great server.
*raises hand* OOOO I WANT IT TOO!!!
I never got to race on it, but from what I heard it would be great to have it back
Well thanks all for showing the support, looking into things now but who really knows what is to come!