"If you give a release date and dont release said product on that day, people will be upset. If you dont give a release date and surprise them, they will be happy"
- John Tag
Express Motorsports
This quote came from a discussion about a new motor that is being released for RC racing (Trinity Pulse) that had to be postponed due to a few small issues that needed to be sorted out before the official release. It's basically the same thing that we are experiencing now. Those who are looking forward to the release are being patient and looking on the bright side. Those who just want something new are finding something to complain about...
Unseen, by the looks of things, Scawen ran into some unexpected bugs that he had to fix, ranging from minor graphical bugs, all the way up to LFS crashing. I think that if Scawen was able to keep to his initial timeline (before bug fixes), he would have been able to release a Scirocco for X-Mas that was up to his standards, and then refine it in the following patches (Suspension, etc). However now that he did get delayed, we're going to (assumed) get a more complete implementation of the VW, in way of a better suspension model and refinement of the stability systems.
I think it is partly because between the announcement and the probable release dates, some unexpected bugs came up, so I think it's not a whim from their part.
Don't you, though, like the fact that basically, we know what they are working on? Plus, Scawen clearly stated, "the next patch [hear the patch that was supposed to come out before Friday 19th] was not representative of all the work done since patch Z". Imagine that all of the features they worked on that were finished at 70% could not be integrated in 0.6A. Then it is clearly understandable that they finally changed their minds and said : "All right, let's work bloody hard for one more month instead of losing times with the testpatches now".
Because it's true, launching a test patch makes them lose time in the development process. Instead of finishing started things, they have to focus one week or so by correcting the bugs of the version, and it's not possible for them to work on something else. So, let's hope that the next patch will make us come up with nice things, more than in the actual build of 0.6A
Tis funny this, if a game devoloper releases something with bugs in it, then people complain that they should of waited and fixed it..now when something was DUE to be released but has found bugs and has now started fixing it, some people still complain. Makes me wonder how Scawen - Eric - Victor feel when they read such comments, as its gotta sting a little bit. Dont rush fella's, tis the season to be jolly, so enjoy yourselfs.
good decision to delay the release till your happy with it rather than have LFS gain a reputation for being buggy
anyone who's complained that because they planned to release by xmas it means it should be released by xmas should remember that plans do go wrong.
perhaps they would also think a bit about the people who have lost or are about to loose their jobs this xmas because their company's plans didn't work out and gain a bit more perspective about life
IMO with regards to this endless setup debate, prehaps 2version of the scirroco could be made available. A road going, limited setup options, version for the trackday VeeWubbyu fanboys who want to keep it real. (Nothing wrong with that, garanteed close racing.) and then a fully race prepared GT version with extensive (but prehaps not infinite) setup options. That way you get the best of both worlds, the experiance of driving the base model very fast and the enjoyment of pushing a design to it's envelope, (which I quite like doing). For me it's not the fact that the car is real, it's more the platform and design that that car brings that I can play around with a 'feel' the difference from say a similar horsepower rear wheel drive car. LFS is a simulation, and when it comes to simulations it's not necessarily the make, model or shape that your simulating but the concept behind it. Get that right and whatever you bolt on top will be perfect (almost).
I also just want to take this moment to say to the holy trinity that you guys are doing a great job with a great ethos behind it.
To all those naysayers and ubercritics out there;
A:There is such a thing as real life. It happens, it gets in the way, and it makes damn sure that nothing ever goes to plan.
B:I don't know of any other game, simulation or online community that has this level of contact with the developers. We are kept informed, we are asked our opinion and the responces to the community is palpable on so many levels within LFS. I get the impression that most of the whining is coming from the younger audience, the 'instant gratification' generation. Guys. Chill. It doesn't work that way.
C:If this was me designing and releasing LFS I think I would have given up years ago in the face of such criticism and in some cases open hostility. If you guys think you can do better, go and do it. If you know, like me, that you can't and just want to enjoy a progressive racing simulation with support and regular updates from the the devs then stick around and enjoy. Yes we've payed money. Yes, the devs have a certain obligation to fulfill having received our money. But how many poeple here have shelled out 40-50 quid, found they have brought an ill prepared and underdeveloped, overly hyped game that barely runs and has more bugs in it than my dustbin and just thrown it on the shelf never to touch it again. Do you get recompense from EA? or Microsoft? Do you get the same level of Community support from the big dev houses? I don't think so. LFS is the rare diamond in the coal field. Its the lone flower in a desolate waste land. Don't loose it. Cultivate it, support it. Suggest things, point out things, be helpful. But if your not happy, go somewhere else and stop trying to
destroy what so many of us cherish and love for not only the thrill of the race but the backstory as well.
It would be nice when there were 2 versions. The normal road vehicle and the GTR version (like the ones who won the 24h race on the Nürburgring).
Slicks, free setup option, more power