The online racing simulator
What happens when you refuse to play BF2 with UKCT
They stolez my points =[

Rahh Sam 1,594 laps and not a single point.

ok, they are returned :P
#3 - Jakg
Please look into the flash, sir.

#4 - Jakg
Perhaps if you lose points for not playing BF2, then the spare points have to go to someone else who does play?

*hint* *hint*
not like you then, you wouldnt play yesterday...
#6 - Jakg
Yesterday I was shit-faced and 7 miles away from home - I couldn't drive home (d'uh) and only got picked up at midnight, when I got in but no-one was up for BF2
last time i checked you were putting up a christmas tree, now the story has changed...
#8 - Jakg
Friday - I put up a Christmas Tree then had to go and pick Ellie up from a party (and then had to spend about half an hour convincing her she was drunk and it was time to go when the other people there were like this),

Saturday - Friends 18th - Got shitfaced and played (and lost) my first game of poker (many times) and didn't get in 'till midnight,

Sunday - Now...
#9 - dadge
awww, this is cute. please, continue.
oh well, cant be botherd, nothing will get me playing games tonight.
#11 - SamH
Is this one of those Currys vs PC World things?
nope this was me vs dave, then it turned into me vs dave and you when you removed my points momentarily! and now its just me being stubborn =]
#13 - SamH
Awww.. I just want ya to drive over one of me landmines
#14 - SamH
... if anyone reading this is interested in a ickle BF2 battle, let us know..
What happens when you refuse to play BF2 with UKCT? Girlfriends happen. Take note, Sam
lol go john, stopping whole conversations with his wisdom
#17 - SamH
We play vehicles, yep! Also, to even things out, the Unlocks123 mod. We also use the MapPacks, 1-3.

@John.. I've had as many wives as you've had girlfriends.. and I'm much happier playing BF2, tyvm
ah now you wouldnt want me to venture on because i would simply own you all :P
#19 - SamH
One way to test that theory James...
See you there James
oh god what have i gotten into here

things you wish you had never said
Quote from Jakg :Yesterday I was shit-faced and 7 miles away from home - I couldn't drive home (d'uh) and only got picked up at midnight, when I got in but no-one was up for BF2

I was in your neck of the woods this weekend. I realised when we passed this place.

Hmm. I thought you were in Kings Lynn for some reason. Who am I thinking of?
One word for that post, and its a cheezy one.


, sorry, i didnt mean to say it
Quote from SamH :@John.. I've had as many wives as you've had girlfriends.. and I'm much happier playing BF2, tyvm

You've been married that many times? Damn!
ahh nothing like a god laugh for the morning! Even Lyla is laughing, and she can't even read!

When you all playing?