I don't know yet, expected next to nothing (I was too expensive this year, university, car), but there is something really big standing right next to the christmas tree, size of a washing machine but taller, and my silblings hint it could be a present for me, i have no friggin idea what it is
For christmas I asked for a bottle of Benylin chesty cough medicine. I think I have got 2 bottles of the stuff. *shakes bottle shaped present* .. *cough*
no, it was a vacuum cleaner and a small microwave oven, for my university appartement, hadn't thought about that and i got some DVDs, a big book full of classic cars and some smaller stuff.
Nothing says love like buying people expensive things. The only time I would ever feel obligated to buy anyone a gift is to return the favor of they bought me one. Otherwise, I don't give anyone gifts.
Bought myself some presents few weeks ago, Return to castle wolfenstein and Quake 4 (both were like 15€ together). Got a nice comic book from my grandparents and rechargable batteries and a recharger from my gf for my digi camera. Plus some socks and soap. Didn't get a glockenspiel though