Have some fun this sunday and join in for a Rallycross Racing Cup.
During the past days we already have had races on this track/server. Races are intenst and there will only be a single rule: Stay fair on the track, minimise your chatting during races, message blocking allowed.
Best times right now are:
RB4: Rudy van Buren - 1.03.87
XRT: Rudy van Buren - 1.05.34
FXO: Rudy van Buren - 1.05.73
Our server will be online for practising most of the time. Feel free to join.
Date: 28/12/2008
Start times: 11:00 - 14:00 - 17:00 - 20:00 GMT
Track: Blackwood RallyX (BL2)
Layout: See attached file
Recommented lap time: Better 1.09 (RB4 AI-laptime)
Car type: TBO, preferably RB4
Qualification: 5 minutes before each event
Startorder: Finish
Races: 4 events with 4 races á 4 laps, no mandatory pitstop, car reset allowed
Server name: TDRT Fun X Mas Server
Password: TBA on server 15 mins before event starts
Driver list:
1. [TDRT] R.Kolz
2. [TDRT] S.Mathei
3. [noobs] zeugnimod
4. [TDRT] D.Rerolle
5. ®Dam
6. ®Dennis
7. [TDRT] G.Noll
8. F1RST Rudy van Buren
9. [TDRT] M.Svensson
10. Pringles
11. plz-kinglion
12. HVR'E.Kasperiunas
13. ®Alex
14. FBI lopino12
15. pls-Black
16. Devildare
17. XFusion Andy
18. Greybull [CHA]
19. WesLeyan100
20. F1RST J.Nieminen
Results of event 1:
1st F1RST Rudy van Buren
2nd PLZ-Black
3rd Renesis Alex
3rd HV´R Remi
5th XFusion Andy
6th [TDRT] R.Kolz
6th [TDRT] M.Svensson
8th Devildare
9th HV´R Kasperiunas
10th Greybull [CHA]
Results of event 2
1st F1RST Rudy van Buren
2nd F1RST J.Nieminen
3rd [TDRT] M. Svensson
4th Renesis Dennis
5th HVR´Remi
6th [TDRT] R.Kolz
7th [TDRT] S.Mathei
8th HoR Æthelstan
8th PLZ-Black
10th [TDRT] G.Noll
Results of event 3
1st F1RST Rudy van Buren
2nd F1RST J.Nieminen
3rd PLZ-Black
4th Renesis Dam
5th Renesis Alex
6th [TDRT] R.Kolz
7th HVR´Remi
8th GreyBull [CHA]
9th [TDRT] G.Noll
10th [TDRT] M. Svensson
Results of event 4
1st F1RST Rudy van Buren
2nd Renesis Dam
3rd PLZ-Black
4th Greybull [CHA]
5th [TDRT] R.Kolz
5th [TDRT] S.Mathei
7th F1RST J.Nieminen
8th Renesis Alex
9th HVR´Kasperiunas
10th [TDRT] G.Noll
Replays event 1-4:
Sign-up and questions in this thread please.