Just had a play online. I'm getting quicker, but I'm way off on consistency. I've got LOADS of midcorner understeer, but if I even so much as touch the brake midcorner to slow and tighten my line the car goes into oversteer that is almost impossible to catch.
But I'm enjoying it a lot at the moment. It IS improved (even if I've had over a dozen error messages - it hasn't actually crashed yet!). The sound and force feedback aren't quite as nice as in LFS, but getting better. Most of the issue is probably with my settings and my car setup though. Not managed to get my clutch pedal to work yet either.
Actually missing the suspension damage. Not the horrible 'rotating freely' wheels, but the whole sensitivity thing (but toned down a notch from initial release). Haven't flat spotted my tyres yet, so can't really comment on the implementation of that yet.
I think what I need is a decent setup for the 2000 or Target. Jaaps defaults are not what I'd call good
Oh, and the setup stuff still isn't realistic. The 2000/Target working at 40mm/60mm ride heights??? I think not. I REALLY want to know if the car IS running at 40/60 or if the datum point used isn't the very bottom of the car. It should be more like 15/40 (or thereabouts).
But anyway. Going to download Snett again and have a play for a bit longer. Annoyingly, I'm supposed to be painting my hallway right now, but this is more fun.