The online racing simulator
Quake 3 Arena Is Still Great!
(30 posts, started )
Hmm interesting still not sure whether to buy it or not. Asking everyone on steam if they have it.
IIRC a buddy of me have a copy of the game, and plays online every now and then. At least for around 1 year ago when I was visiting him he whent online, and there was pretty many people around to play with.
But be warned, these people are not going easy on ya
Quake, pfft, Unreal Tournement every time.

People still play UT99 including myself. Just the best game ever made.
Quote from SamH :I just had a look. I can find my Quake III Team Arena disc, but I can't find the Quake disc. I think I need both to run it

I dont think so.
But you just can run team arena then ofc.
#30 - Ziil
Pfftt Q3 ... I say a Big Bump to Action Quake 2 !

Quake 3 Arena Is Still Great!
(30 posts, started )