The online racing simulator
Insurance/banking fail?
(21 posts, started )
Insurance/banking fail?
I rang up my (now to be) insurance company to arrange cover for my bike. They asked me 9,343,824 questions about things (which I'd already filled in online), and then after about 30 minutes, they asked how I wanted to pay. As I get a steady, but small income of around £35 a week, and with Christmas just gone by, I have around £140 lying in my bank, I opted to pay the £94.50 deposit, and then enjoy 10 monthly payments of £55.60 or something. (To buy all at once, it's like £545 for a year, to pay monthly, the total payable is about £635 or something like that).

Anyway, I say I want to pay monthly and they put me on hold for 5 minutes, only for them to return and say that I can't arrange monthly cover because of my age. (17)

Now is it just me, or is that incredibily stupid?! They quite happily jump at the chance to take alot of money out of my bank at once, but aren't quite as happy to allow me to pay more in total, but over a 10 month period.

When asked why, they told me tha monthly payments are not availible to people under 18. Even though I was offered the option when I got the quote from the website.

Anyone else had a simularly annoying experience regarding things such as phone contracts, insurance etc, and do share
I had a similar problem recently, mum had done a quote for me online a few month ago on her Ford KA, got a quote back of £890 or so with £80 +/- monthly payments.

She then did a quote beginning of the month and they said they wouldn't allow monthly payments with a new driver, but instead quoted £1500 payment upfront for the first year. Kinda takes the piss really, stupid 17-25 yo crashing all the time whilst showing off, grrr.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I rang up my (now to be) insurance company to arrange cover for my bike. They asked me 9,343,824 questions about things (which I'd already filled in online), and then after about 30 minutes, they asked how I wanted to pay. As I get a steady, but small income of around £35 a week, and with Christmas just gone by, I have around £140 lying in my bank, I opted to pay the £94.50 deposit, and then enjoy 10 monthly payments of £55.60 or something. (To buy all at once, it's like £545 for a year, to pay monthly, the total payable is about £635 or something like that).

Anyway, I say I want to pay monthly and they put me on hold for 5 minutes, only for them to return and say that I can't arrange monthly cover because of my age. (17)

Now is it just me, or is that incredibily stupid?! They quite happily jump at the chance to take alot of money out of my bank at once, but aren't quite as happy to allow me to pay more in total, but over a 10 month period.

When asked why, they told me tha monthly payments are not availible to people under 18. Even though I was offered the option when I got the quote from the website.

Anyone else had a simularly annoying experience regarding things such as phone contracts, insurance etc, and do share

The age thing is a valid reason (I think)....although F*****G annoying

It's was like when i tried to get credit finance on a PC, yet because I just turned 18....I had no credit score so was unable to get the's a valid reason looking from there point but totally absurd from my/your side.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Now is it just me, or is that incredibily stupid?!

No, you have no credit score so why should they trust you? You wouldn't really be allowed it online once they'd done automatic checks.
#5 - TiJay
You can't enter any kind of credit agreement (which is what it is) until you're 18 and legally an adult, tis that simple. It's not even a credit score issue, just the law.
#6 - Jakg
No - you aren't paying per month, effectively they're lending you all the money up-front and your paying it back with interest - which you need to be 18.
god uk insurance is a bitch!
I called up a new insurance company a few weeks ago to get insurance on a 34 foot 8 ton motorhome with me (17 and two tickets) as the primary driver. The insurance was pretty expensive ($1500 per year) but I'm just surprised they gave it to me.
Quote from pb32000 :No, you have no credit score so why should they trust you? You wouldn't really be allowed it online once they'd done automatic checks.

I wouldn't have a credit score at 18 either, so what's the point?

Quote from TiJay :You can't enter any kind of credit agreement (which is what it is) until you're 18 and legally an adult, tis that simple. It's not even a credit score issue, just the law.

Yeah, that bit I understand. What I don't understand is that I'm a fully licenced motorcyclist, I'm allowed on a machine with 104 BHP (ok, it's restricted to 33bhp, but you get my point), which could potentially kill not only myself, but other people as well, and I'm not allowed to spread my insurance over 10 months? I'm just saying that the whole system is stupid.

Flymike : Wouldn't even get insured on that in the UK here
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Flymike : Wouldn't even get insured on that in the UK here

Well for starters you wouldn't have a driving licence to drive it anyway and it'd cost an arm and a leg to gain one (I am looking at £106 to get B+E to tow a trailer). Ever get the impression we're being ripped off?
Quote :I wouldn't have a credit score at 18 either, so what's the point?

I started paying my insurance monthly at 18, so I don't think insurance companies care unless yours is realllly bad.
Because 17 isn't legally old enough to get credit, which is what paying insurance by instalments is.
Quote from danowat :Because 17 isn't legally old enough to get credit, which is what paying insurance by instalments is.

Fair enough, one may say. However, let's put this into a more widespread context, as then maybe you can see why this irrirates me.

Aged 5, you are allowed to consume alcohol in your home.

When you're aged 16, you can gain a provisional licence and without much skill, be behind the bars of a moped/bike up to 50cc's, which could not only injure yourself, but another road user or pedestrian.

You're allowed to have sex (legally, doesn't mean it doesn't happen at younger ages..), which can result in spread of sexually transmitted infections/diseases, which affect not only yourself, but other people as well, and could result in you becoming a parent (much more worrying for the ladies, often it can ruin their schooling and social life, but equally worrying for most guys)

When you're 17, you're allowed behind the wheel of any car, any power, any size, and allowed to drive unsupervised on the queens highways, putting hundreds of people's lives at risk every time you so much as pop down to the shop for some milk. You're also allowed to then ride a 125cc moped/bike without question, with the same licence that entitled you to ride your 50cc. You can also ride any bike, of any size, so long as it's restricted to 33bhp, so long as you have done the full test..

Yet, when you're 17, even though you can do all of the above, you cannot do the following:-
  • Buy alcohol/ciggarettes
  • Buy movies that contain either alot of violence or sexual activities (but you can have sex at 16?:really
  • Buy games such as Grand Theft Auto etc
  • Get a loan, credit, or enter into any monthly payment contract, even if your finances can take it and you have proof of it..
Maybe you can understand why I'm, quite frankly, pretty annoyed about the whole system we have in place. Not just about my insurance, but about things we can't do in general aged 17, without any decent reasons. At least, without any logical reasons. This government needs a re-think..

Quote from S14 DRIFT :snip....

Regadless of how much it iritates you, thats how it is, infact, think yourself lucky, because many credit companies won't allow credit till 21, and some even push it to 23.

Regarless of all your ranting, nothing is going to change it, get used to coming up against mad things like this, because when you reach my age, you'll have come up against thousands.

They have to draw the line somewhere, and that line is at 18, it's the age you are legally viewed as a proper adult.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :whole rant

Dry you eyes, put the toys back into you're pram and deal with it.

Life isn't fair and if you think this is the worst it's going to get.....hate to tell you.

it gets worse.
I know my rant is pretty useless, I know it achieves nothing - But I guess at least you can understand why.

Mackie, I'm not throwing my toys out the pram. I know what a pain in the arse life is, and out of 10, this probably ranks about 1.5 in my shitlist, so yeah.
aahhhhh holland :haha:
#17 - DeKo
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I rang up my (now to be) insurance company to arrange cover for my bike. They asked me 9,343,824 questions about things (which I'd already filled in online), and then after about 30 minutes, they asked how I wanted to pay. As I get a steady, but small income of around £35 a week, and with Christmas just gone by, I have around £140 lying in my bank, I opted to pay the £94.50 deposit, and then enjoy 10 monthly payments of £55.60 or something. (To buy all at once, it's like £545 for a year, to pay monthly, the total payable is about £635 or something like that).

Anyway, I say I want to pay monthly and they put me on hold for 5 minutes, only for them to return and say that I can't arrange monthly cover because of my age. (17)

Now is it just me, or is that incredibily stupid?! They quite happily jump at the chance to take alot of money out of my bank at once, but aren't quite as happy to allow me to pay more in total, but over a 10 month period.

When asked why, they told me tha monthly payments are not availible to people under 18. Even though I was offered the option when I got the quote from the website.

Anyone else had a simularly annoying experience regarding things such as phone contracts, insurance etc, and do share

you cant get credit in the UK until your 18, its just one of those things. cant even get a phone contract or that, but its not too much of a problem, always been like that.

and lets face it, most people can buy booze, fags, 18 games and go to 18 pictures when theyre below 18. its not exactly hard, and nowhere near in the same league as borrowing 500 quid from someone. and technically you arent allowed to drive any car ever at 17. find me an insurer that would insure me on anything good at 17. you could never get insured on a veyron for example, thus you would be driving it illegally

btw, getting a big bike and restricting it is a ridiculous thing to do insurance wise. much cheaper to run a proper 33bhp bike as with a bike getting restricted, the insurance still treats it as if it isnt restricted, thus charging you a lot more.
Just have patience young ones. When you are double the age of 17 then things become much easier. I bought a car this week. Homeowner? Tick. Job? Tick. Salary? Pretty good, thanks. I can borrow as much as I want.

Oh insurance gets better too. 60% no claims. Pay monthly, no worries.

Building a credit history is one of the best things about growing old.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I rang up my (now to be) insurance company to arrange cover for my bike. They asked me 9,343,824 questions about things (which I'd already filled in online), and then after about 30 minutes, they asked how I wanted to pay. As I get a steady, but small income of around £35 a week, and with Christmas just gone by, I have around £140 lying in my bank, I opted to pay the £94.50 deposit, and then enjoy 10 monthly payments of £55.60 or something. (To buy all at once, it's like £545 for a year, to pay monthly, the total payable is about £635 or something like that).

Anyway, I say I want to pay monthly and they put me on hold for 5 minutes, only for them to return and say that I can't arrange monthly cover because of my age. (17)

Now is it just me, or is that incredibily stupid?! They quite happily jump at the chance to take alot of money out of my bank at once, but aren't quite as happy to allow me to pay more in total, but over a 10 month period.

When asked why, they told me tha monthly payments are not availible to people under 18. Even though I was offered the option when I got the quote from the website.

Anyone else had a simularly annoying experience regarding things such as phone contracts, insurance etc, and do share

there saving you from ruining your credit history so when you need a mortgage in later years they can rip you off then.

just pay it off in one lump sum... small banks and such who need your loans should be able to asist you with your parents concent...

Quote from DeKo : find me an insurer that would insure me on anything good at 17.

irish insurers are a fickle bunch, i can get insured on a xsi integra for 3kish but they'll do me... wait for this... a 1.6 dc2 teg for only 7200 quid... 3rd party ofcourse, locked in the garage with cctv and a good alarm ( no cheapo clifford alarms )

but they'll insure me on a 1 liter turbo charade for 2250 which is good for 60 in 7 seconds !!!

pitty about my 306 though... about as useful as big breasts on a nun
My insurance is so cheap that I pay a lump sum every year for BOTH my (Fully Comp, Protected NCB, all sorts of extras and stuff-including flood damage!) - £350 for the two :haha: [/gloat]

Seriously though..have a look around for companies that will insure you on a MONTHLY(m) or QUARTERLY(q) will work more expensive than an annual payment(y), (12m > 1y, and 12m > 4q > 1y) but might still be more manageable than a big lump sum up front
Both my car and bike together, fully comp, cost less than £300

Insurance/banking fail?
(21 posts, started )