The online racing simulator
Test Patch Z9 (online compatible)
(166 posts, closed, started )
I noticed the OZ racing textures on the FBMs new wheels are messed.
Quote from Ziploc :I noticed the OZ racing textures on the FBMs new wheels are messed.

You mean this one?
Attached images
Quote from Ziploc :I noticed the OZ racing textures on the FBMs new wheels are messed.

If you don't like that, change it, it's the
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :
Suggestion, put 5-6 nuts on the wheels? and also it looks a bit dummy, but I don´t mean that I can´t drive it so don´t understand wrong

Welcome to centre caps.
the ABS is both realistic and very cool!
A very great addition, devs.

I had previously ran very front-biased braking setups on the FXO in hopes to eliminate locking my left-rear tire in hard braking and cornering, but after using the ABS feature in the test patch, it's much more tire-friendly - hardly a hot-spot on my tires after 7 laps of South City torture!

I've yet to find any other bugs to report.
I have tried ABS in several RACES in different surfaces, normal tracks and rallies, with different cars, RB4, FXO, XRG and FZ5. My conclusion is like TC, ABS it is not useful in race, it is easy to race without ABS than with ABS, and can be faster without ABS, but for noobs I think that will be easy to use ABS, but you will learn more without any helps.

The conclusion is, XRG with ABS don't make faster than XFG
Error while racing online
Server: CTRA - Race 3
Car: FZR-GT2 (restricted)
After the last corner of final lap I got the following message:

Avoiding buffer crash(ok)
Lost Connection to host

No crash or anything, just disconnected from server
Attached files
Race3_AS7_28_Dec_2008_0246.mpr - 1.1 MB - 265 views
this gives keyord drivers a better time with the rear wheel cars on turns.
I believe it's to simulate some wear
where is patch z10? The vw Scirocco addtions has been postponed doesnt mean you get lazy with updates. What you really need is an deadlines. That should give you something to be motivated about. Get on with it.
Quote from vrooom :where is patch z10? The vw Scirocco addtions has been postponed doesnt mean you get lazy with updates. What you really need is an deadlines. That should give you something to be motivated about. Get on with it.

back on topic, i honestly don't see much difference with and without the ABS. The very few time i tried it on the XFG had no effect on my lap times or my driving style.
Quote from danthebangerboy :I had one small graphic error, but it went away once i pitted and rejoined again. Sadly i didnt save replay I have attempted to draw what happened. This is kind of what it looked like....
black lines sticking out of the drive wheels in line with the spokes...

I don't think anyone mentioned - Is your graphics card overclocked?

Quote from hazaky :Hmm, i see difference in graphics. Everything is fine, except 1 thing what happened to me when watching replay of myself in Single Player.

Also sometimes texture size will be so little trough those ... umm ... gate circuit? Soz my english

It looks like you have run out of graphics card memory. If you are using a high resolution texture pack that would probably cause the problem. If not, then try reducing your graphics memory usage - e.g. low resolution shadows, 16 bit sky, half texture resolution, etc... (graphics options).

Quote from T-RonX :I found a bug, it happens in Z9, and not in Z.

When driving with a mouse and running lfs in a window, try to minimize and maximize again.

The wheel will turn all the way left and just stay there, the only way to move the wheel again is to end the race and rejoin again.

Thank you for this, I can reproduce it as well by minimising and restoring the window.

Quote from vrooom :where is patch z10? The vw Scirocco addtions has been postponed doesnt mean you get lazy with updates. What you really need is an deadlines. That should give you something to be motivated about. Get on with it.

It's Christmas time, this is the longest holiday of the year, when, in many countries, ordinary people including software developers take a little time out to hang out with their family for a few days.

Did I just sign a contract with you and you are now my boss? A strange boss who believes he can just order people around, for the price of £24 in 5 years?

I wish I could release updates and restrict access so people like you would not be able to use it. But unfortunately, I have to simply ignore such comments and let you use the updates just like anyone else, when they are ready.
Quote from vrooom :where is patch z10? The vw Scirocco addtions has been postponed doesnt mean you get lazy with updates. What you really need is an deadlines. That should give you something to be motivated about. Get on with it.

the devs clearly said that they will stop working for this year..
so read the topic bevore flaming people
Quote from vrooom :where is patch z10? The vw Scirocco addtions has been postponed doesnt mean you get lazy with updates. What you really need is an deadlines. That should give you something to be motivated about. Get on with it.

i cant quite believe you just said that
This thread is closed

Test Patch Z9 (online compatible)
(166 posts, closed, started )