The online racing simulator
Quote from The Moose :Quite frankly im amazed at how good the reaction to1.03 has been (not that i didnt belive it was good) especially after the (deserved) kick in it took in the first couple of years. Things are definitely looking up.

Well let's be honest, there isn't a lot of competition - hiPricing and LFS, basically. And if you like single-seaters then nKPro is going to look like the most promising sim.

I'm not especially excited by single-seaters personally, but more importantly I thought the tracks were all really dull, apart from that one corner at Newbury. Although when the converted tracks started showing up the FF1800 was fun for short sessions around Silverstone in 1.0.2 apart from the weird slides it would do.

I might give the new version a go if I get time, but from what I've read it sounds like there are still weird physics behaviours that will ruin the experience every few corners.
Quote from thisnameistaken :, but more importantly I thought the tracks were all really dull, apart from that one corner at Newbury.

Aviano dull? I think not! An absolutely fantastic circuit. elevation changes, heavily cambered corners, fast sweeping sections, the back downhill section is awesome. The best fantasy track i've ever driven.

But yes, the addon tracks are better, and there are more tracks coming.

Quote from thisnameistaken : from what I've read it sounds like there are still weird physics behaviours that will ruin the experience every few corners.

The minority opinion. I'm blaming it on bed setups Theres no more weird physics problems than i've seen in iRacing (which to be fair they seem to have sorted out with the Mazda and Radical now) and LFS . Not perfect by any means, but show me a sim that has perfect physics. But as always, the only opinion that counts is your own. For the sake of digging your wheel out it has to worth a bash.
Is it possible to load setups and if so can someone post a better set for the demo car than the default one?
Quote from zeugnimod :Is it possible to load setups and if so can someone post a better set for the demo car than the default one?

Here's my Prato Short and Aviano Int set for the FF1600 (wip)

You will probably need to change the steering ratio if you have a proper wheel Mines adjusted for a 240 degree rotation wheel.

Put in Cars/FF1600/setup
Attached files
FF1600 PratoshAviano int.rar - 685 B - 285 views
downloaded the demo and loved it, was gonnae buy it but its mega expensive, 34 quid is a bit too much just now. im gonna sit down and play the demo for a while, try and decide whether its worth buying. im not sure though, i downloaded all the add-on tracks, and they work in demo, so as far as i can see its 34 quid for 3 cars.
Quote from zeugnimod :Do I have to open a port or something to be able to see all multiplayer servers? I can see some servers but it says they are only 23 of 224 servers. How can I see the other 200 servers?

I thought I'd bring that back up since I'm not sure if the others are really all licenced servers. Are there really only about 30 people on average at any time driving the demo that came out 3 days ago?
Quote from zeugnimod :I thought I'd bring that back up since I'm not sure if the others are really all licenced servers. Are there really only about 30 people on average at any time driving the demo that came out 3 days ago?

nope, 31, when you actually hit connect
Quote from Hyperactive :New science: the front arb controls the roll of front axle. No front arb: makxsimum roll (and rofl):

(jokes aside, there is something sick wrong with the front suspension in nk in the fastest single seater? It's like the front suspensions, or springs are connected together but not to the car which makes the front suspension act like the frot axle ones used on tractors. The springs should counter that movement but they don't which makes the front suspension sick wrong imho)

All I changed was front arb to 0. I didn't even use brakes, I just put that text o the screenie to make it more roffle. The suspension did not break orwas broken to start with either.

Oh. Was just about to try the demo. Not interested anymore. Running without an an arb doesn't mean that all of a sudden there is zero roll stiffness. In fact it isn't uncommon to run no rear arb in the rain on some cars.

Is there similar weirdness when removing the rear arb or is this a problem with the monoshock simulation?
Quote from Tezuka :are you going to go the iRacing route, stick with LFS exclusively or wait on rFactor 2?

iracing is far too restrictive and too expensive for that it offers nothing that interests me the least little bit and i dont see isi releasing anything worth mentioning within the next decade or so

Quote from The Moose :Absolutely. I just don't understand people that can hold a grudge over a 30 euro bit of software they bought 2.5 years ago. Even worse in Shotglass's case..he never even bought it!

oh im not hilding a grudge at all particularly not a 2.5 year old one
its things like kunos constantly mocking his customers with videos of things they cant use (even just a few days before the 1.03 release with the bike on hillclimb video) and his piss poor business practices (the other day ive read that they dont even know whether or not theyll be allowed to release the fiat yet... who the hell starts working for a company before finishing all the legalese first?) that makes him completely untrustworthy to me
Im soory but Rfactor is juts a smoking pile O' crap

I tried it I was wanting to belive in the greatnes but the shouck from when i was playing was horrible.
The steering feel vaageu dead and weird i just cant se how poeple like this crap

And yes i dare to say it again Rfactor=Rcraptor
NKP, LFS are two different games, of course they will feel differently, NKP is just more immersive in a WAY, it would be even more so if the sounds were better, when you play LFS it's always a game. Even GTR, you know it's arcady as shit but it's the immersion that keeps you playing. The sounds, the transmission whine, the backfire on downshift, the upshift cuts, the slides, the spins, the thrills, the spills. When you have a crash on LFS you just fly into space.
Quote from J.B. :Oh. Was just about to try the demo. Not interested anymore. Running without an an arb doesn't mean that all of a sudden there is zero roll stiffness. In fact it isn't uncommon to run no rear arb in the rain on some cars.

Is there similar weirdness when removing the rear arb or is this a problem with the monoshock simulation?

If the chassis is modelled as infinitely stiff (which it will be) then zero roll stiffness at the front (which is what no belleville stack in the monoshock would give you, ignoring friction in the system which also won't be modelled) is going to do all sorts of odd things. The weight transfer will be 100% on the rear axle (which isn't possible in real life), and so it'll tend to fall over and go out of the boundary conditions in which the modelling equations work.

I suspect, though I haven't bothered to try and prove, that the physics will suddenly become a bit more normal with the faintest whiff of some monoshock stiffness. Remember - the ride springs do not provide any roll stiffness with a monoshock.
Downloaded the demo and like it quite a lot. Sounds are definately the biggest downfall but driving feel is much sharper than on LFS and it's a lot less forgiving when it comes to pushing the car over it's limits, in which it's actually a lot closer to iRacing than LFS. More realistic setup options also receive a "thumbs up" from me and I was doing just fine even with default set, as long as fuel load was appropriate.

However, I don't really enjoy random races against random people for no long term goals (league/championship) so I'm not sure if I'll end up buying it or not. But considering how much I like openwheelers and the fact that it seems better in that area than LFS, it could be good investment.
Quote from Crommi :
However, I don't really enjoy random races against random people for no long term goals (league/championship) so I'm not sure if I'll end up buying it or not. But considering how much I like openwheelers and the fact that it seems better in that area than LFS, it could be good investment.

Quote from tristancliffe :Remember - the ride springs do not provide any roll stiffness with a monoshock.

im pretty sure they do once you move the suspension in roll as much as in that pic
Er... Remind me again how you turn off auto-clutch? I've assigned an axis to clutch, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
When you're in the pits, select the "Setup 2" page (or is that Setup 1?), and there's a check box.
Quote from Mattesa :When you're in the pits, select the "Setup 2" page (or is that Setup 1?), and there's a check box.

Of course, that's a sensible place to put it.

Well it's still a good sim, and it doesn't do that weird "your car spookily rotates whilst stationary" thing any more, but I swear the sounds have got worse and the gearboxes don't feel quite so visceral any more, which is a shame because that was my favourite aspect of the simulation.

My wheel is very dusty and my hands are sticking to it. I might try some LFS later too...
Quote from Shotglass :im pretty sure they do once you move the suspension in roll as much as in that pic

Fair point

My wheels is dusty too Kev. I've found that if I wash my hands every hour or so of playing gradually the dust goes away. Woman keeps mentioned dusters and polish, but that's too feminine for me
Quote from tristancliffe :My wheels is dusty too Kev. I've found that if I wash my hands every hour or so of playing gradually the dust goes away. Woman keeps mentioned dusters and polish, but that's too feminine for me

Yeah I've found spitting on the wheel and then wiping it dry with the front of my t-shirt works quite well too.

This DFP is still for sale BTW, kids!
With a free bottle of Dettol?
if i buy it i get the wheel with your spit on it? so i could use the dna on your wheel to grow my own kev?
Quote from Shotglass :if i buy it i get the wheel with your spit on it? so i could use the dna on your wheel to grow my own kev?

Don't man, I swear the Chinese are already catching the turds I flush and using them to build a clone army. That's why I've started keeping all my turds in a cardboard box in the kitchen.

NetKar Pro [v1.3 released]
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