The online racing simulator
Autocross Bug: 2 cars start at once
I've been setting up and racing SCCA styled Solo courses in the Autocross arena and have found a bug. It's apparently possible for 2 cars to spawn on the start line at once while in a multiplayer race.

The cars spawn in one another at the start line. If one tries to move they both shoot away from each other and cause serious crashes.

When playing online, I was able to repeat this issue 4 or 5 times in a row. I assume it is caused by server latency and the app not knowing someone has already started and then allowing multiple starts in this latency period.
its not only AU track
it's everywhere when you use the startline. its kidda annoying.
but i think its a known bug.
Yeah, happened to me a few times aswell. The only thing i could possibly think of is that the area for the cars to spawn isnt sometimes wide enough for more than one car. I usually get the start position blocked message when i try and join, but i think if its at exactly the same time as somebody else joins it happens.
(zeugnimod) DELETED by zeugnimod
A temporary solution is to automatically spectate anyone who manages to join within a certain window of someone else joining. Can easily be done with insim, did one for my own ax script.
#5 - Jedi1
Can you point us to this app???
Would you be willing to share your script? We ran a really nice event with 10 people at my house a week or so ago and we would like to expand the next event to the net if possible. We can't do that with this start issue though.
I was afraid you'd say that my code is not of publishable standard, and you'd need to rewrite it for security amongst other things anyway. If you really do want to have a look, i'll post it in about 10-12h when i get to my pc. You might be better off finding someone who can code to a dependable standard
Thanks for the solution Illusion. Sadly, I have no idea how to start a code like that.

It seems like it would be fairly easy to address in a patch ... maybe put a 2 or 3 sec delay on joins to check requests, then queue them. I'm not a developer though.
I too would like to see that code.. iv been thinking on hosting autocrossing races also.