I sat for myself, home alone and watching for a new computer on the internet and then I got a bad start on 2009 because my computer got a big error when trying to start World of Warcraft...
I wanted to do 2v2 arena so badly
Tired of this computer >.<
I'm 36 years old, I could care less about the new year. When I was in my 20's, I cared about partying and getting drunk. Now, it's no different than any other day. It just happens to be a part of the reason I get nearly 3 weeks off from work at this time of year.
Nothing special. I'm flying with flight simulator while the wife is up watching TV. Same old same old.
Meh, not new years for me but all I'm doing and going to do is sit in front of the TV and watch the fire works and mute the sound because I hear and feel them from my house :P.
I, being a 22 year old college student (at one of the top 15 party schools in the US) on Winter break, did the following for New Year's Eve, which has just turned into New Year's Day, about 33 minutes ago.
Stayed in and played LFS (CTRA Race 1), when not racing, watching parts of the Twilight Zone marathon on SciFi, and just had a sandwich.