The "
new aston gp -combo". Expected more creativity on this one
Aston north
Aston gran gp "touring"

Better than the gp version but still...
Hmm. what about the updates/"bugs" people have been requesting like years for now:
- realistic diffs
- big performance differences in all classes
- a really long track
- engine and drivetrain damage
- sound improvements
- false starts
- sorting the online hosts list by car/track/players count/...
- small improvements for gui:
- setup notes/asymmetric setups/setup sorting
- option to delete/rename replays
- to not be able to switch to other people's view while driving (to check tyre wear for example)
- sudden speed boost on collision with some objects/other players
rewindable replays
- clutch/stalling the engine
To implement some of these it would take like hour or two. And these all are way more important than some tyre sidewalls. Oh, and almost forgot the chinese language patch