I didnt have time to write any proper manual for my program but as far as I have read about problems with it, here are some hints:
- Program needs .Net Framework 2.0 (
http://www.microsoft.com/downl ... 62-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5) it wont run without it.
- There is no need to "install" it, just run it from any location you like.
Its just a key pressing emulator

keys will be pressed in given order for given time (in ms), additionally every pressed key is followed by "backspace" so you can write messages.
Numlock state defines whether program is running or not.
as far as Lfs is sending horn/lights/hazards state every 500ms (about) its almost useless while playing online.
I will try to help if there are some unsolved problems left