It's like at work. We are at meeting and two bosses are there also. They say:
Boss#1: "OK we need to do this."
Boss#2: "PLAYLIFE will handle it."
Boss#1: "How much do you think it will take?"
Boss#2: "It's no biggie. Just some 30 min"
Boss#1: "It's settled then"
What PLAYLIFE is thinking (oh my god, first I gotta do this then that. Then I got to check all those thing, consult with one guy, make sure, test, analyse from that perspective, then polish it... And if I spend more than 30 min then they will get curious as to what exactly am I doing)
Hyperactive !! Things are not always as simple as they seem...illepall U just see the finnished product and think, oh... that musta been easy.
If you have your mind set to do something and have made good plans on how to make it done, it is a five minute job. The gui example is all about renaming stuff, and moving it into a slightly different place on the file. And cheching that it works.
It's not like you need days to change one character in some place
If u have made good plans? To make good plans u need time. And what about the translations... Someone needs to organise the translation for all those new things and then compile them... 5 min job? You really can't think realistically...
I interect with a lot of people every day. Some you can't reach, some are busy, some misunderstand what they need to do... It's not just like snapping your fingers...
Tristancliffe just brought it to my attention over MSN that you can set up an SMS alert on LFSW (if you are S2 licensed) upon patch release. Also, S2 licensed racers have 2 free SMS's (if they haven't used them) so the feature may prove handy after all.
Yeah, figured that out myself last week from SMS thread around here somewhere. Its going to be handy....but I guess I notice the patch sooner than my phone makes a sound if it isnt middle of a day in the week when Im not home...or Im sleeping
A good plan to make something simple (like the damn gui) doesn't take weeks like making plans for some major update (tires).
Of course I didn't mean that every one of the improvements I listed could be done in hours. But things like gui improvements or "to not be able to switch to other people's view while driving (to check tyre wear for example)" are nothing more than hour or more of work. You don't need to write new code for, just edit the one you already got. Like moving a sentence to a different place and check if it fits to its surroundings. If you have plans what to move and where it's not days lol.
Can't you admit that Scawen could make these 2 improvemnts in one day. I don't think he needs to have a 10 hour conference for it?
EDIT: after all it comes to what the devs think are important. A good gui and some small improvements are maybe less important than new tire textures.
I think maybe hes saying it looks arcadey and that (combined with other factors such as certain forum posters etc) creates this prejudice from racers of other sims that LFS is arcadey and full of noob ends.
Hmm, how about the browser refresh icon in the toolbar instead?
(Little hint: "aktualisieren" = "to refresh" or "to reload" )
Just to capture it for all eternity, I've attached a screenshot which serves as proof... actually YOU, Blackout, posted the 1337th reply
There's no way you can talk outta this now, you're definitely 1337!
And about the gui. Maybe Im just got used to it and dont know how it would be made better, but there was some good points in that thread you posted hyper. But those douple negative options havent been problem to me, maybe Im somehow twisted in my mind . And now when I think about it those options might be litle confucing to noobs. Dunno. Not high priority to me, and when you get the options right once you dont have to play with them again.
And back to "topic": the clock is over 16 LFS-time and there is no april teaser!