omg, I'm really sorry.. I appreciate the effort you put in and everything, but I just find you sooooooooo fricking annoying. The accent, the SHI-canes, the wrong gears.. find someone who understands & can explain the proper technique to do the audio overlays. Otherwise, good job.
Ehm... as far as an "insight" - this is worthless... as far as a commentary on a lap - it's quite good. I'm sorry man, but you're not giving ANY information on how you should go through the corners, which lines to take, how the set should behave for the best result, NO INFO AT ALL... Just as an example - the line "uphills, downhills, highspeed corners, all are a challenge, and you gotta learn them..." YES, I HAVE NOTICED... now HOW TO TACKLE THEM? no answer... sorry, this isn't helpful at all...
May I suggest commenting in league race recaps?
I believe he's talking about the techiques used to set a world record, the lines, the braking points and so on
Exactly what squidhead wrote. He just gave vague comments that you expect from someone who was just given a job to report on a race and was nowhere near motorsport before that. Most of the commentary is like that, even when ITV does F1 laps, I understand that you can't go into all the details on TV - but if you're calling this "insight" and it's supposed to teach drivers some things about a particular track, it was quite worthless. I will write a walk-through of all the corners on AS5 and then you tell me if it's hugely more helpful than this was. (It'll be done in a few hours, I have some stuff to do now.)
This is the primary reason I don't have a problem with the commentary. The videos he is making are trying to resemble a hot lap that would be put on a broadcast... I must admit that calling the video "hot lap insight" might not be the best idea, because some of the information is incorrect and it's lacking really detailed aspects that the driver would point out. However, I see broadcasts in America every day with just as poor quality of commentary.
On the video side of things, you really need to work on FPS. It was getting pretty choppy at times.
TBH I don't understand some of the harsh tones, it doesn't matter how good you may be, if you behave like a caveman
Back on topic, this video feels a bit rushed to me, not unlike the one that preceded it, in particular the commentary sounds like it could use more rehearsing.
If you're aiming at assembling a showcase of LFS tracks, you don't need to go in-depth with your analysis, but calling a series "LFS insight" could certainly set some high expectations on the viewer's part