The online racing simulator
Build a 2. Connectionlist via InSim!
hello guys im atm coding a nice User/Admin Loginsystem for our servers,

still got now the prob i want if i logged in as admin and i press my admincontrol button that it shows me a 2. connectionlist via C# insim !

and each conn it will shows 1 button more like

3users in server there are 3 buttons whit any text.

now the quest how i build a 2. connmlist?

plz only helpfull comments and tips
USELESS COMMENT: press "n" and lokk at the list
like this comments are ussless i got a clear quest so i want a clear answer

Regarts heiko
Could you explain a little more on what your trying to do?

You have a button that gives you a connection list when logged into the server.
But what is the problem?
Quote from Dygear :Could you explain a little more on what your trying to do?

You have a button that gives you a connection list when logged into the server.
But what is the problem?

I guess he wants that 2nd conn list via insim.

Versuchs in deutsch hinzuschreiben damit ichs versteh^^
also ^^
ich möchte via insim eine 2te connectionlist also so eine als wen ich "n" drücken würde, aber halt als eigene da ich es für mein Login/Adminsystem brauche.

i need only a second connlist like the one if i press "n"
need it for my Login/Adminsystem
thx to everyone who can help me
foreach (clsConnection C in Connections)

WOOOZAA THX dougie .... but why you don´t said anything in msn about it lol ^^
now i try out if it works ^^
#7 - amp88
Do you want the connection list to be available to a second program (totally outwith LFS) or do you want it to be displayed within LFS? You can send a packet to request all connection information (I think it's called ISF_MCI but I just JInSim, where you would use "client.send(new TinyRequest(Tiny.ALL_CONNECTIONS))")
Quote from amp88 :Do you want the connection list to be available to a second program (totally outwith LFS) or do you want it to be displayed within LFS? You can send a packet to request all connection information (I think it's called ISF_MCI but I just JInSim, where you would use "client.send(new TinyRequest(Tiny.ALL_CONNECTIONS))")

in lfs
and i got now that what i want thx to dougie-lampkin
Quote from Dygear :Could you explain a little more on what your trying to do?

You have a button that gives you a connection list when logged into the server.
But what is the problem?

He said at his first post: Dont gimme answers with the N buttons for connectionlist


He wants another connection list also TWO for his Login/Adminsystem
Quote from Heiko1 :He said at his first post: Dont gimme answers with the N buttons for connectionlist


He wants another connection list also TWO for his Login/Adminsystem

To be fair it was very difficult to make any sense of the OP.
first prob if im joining my server it only shows my user and plyid
how i can change it ?
Quote from Marco1 :first prob if im joining my server it only shows my user and plyid
how i can change it ?

Send a request to receive all of the connection information and then perform your list.
ah ok thx fixed it
Quote from Heiko1 :He said at his first post: Dont gimme answers with the N buttons for connectionlist

I never said that, and my question seemed to of cleared everything up so it did it's job and he got his answer.