The event was okay...Basically I had about 2 rather short battles in the 2 hours, partially caused by me choosing the wrong set :doh: and partially from me just not being very good, partially caused by lack of practice and experience and partially from me just not being very good.

I enjoyed the 30 min second race more than 30 mins of the first, but the first was better. CBA to post a report of my races, they can be summed up into "Last, only cars near me were lapping me." Oh, and I'm not gonna comment on the epic server failure.
The quality of the lapping wasn't great, not because of how the TBOs got by me, but where. I thought "Can't you just lift off slightly and go by me on the straight after this pretty tight chicane, rather than give me a hefty thump and put us both at risk" more than once. Some people I had no trouble with, others seemingly just did not think. Got ass raped by an otherwise clean G!Nho, (his words, not mine :razz

thanks for apologising, it was a mistake, no worries
(as long as you spell m name right! Two
ls!) , its behaviour like niall murray's at 1: 13 :30 that annoys me. No protest or nuffink, just don't do it again, k?
Having said all that negative tosh, pobody's nerfect, and I made quite a few errors - just spent 5 mins looking for that guy I sent into the wall while he was recovering from his spin...kinda dangerous move, but I could have avoided thumping you, so sorry.
Gawd, why am I so negative? It was a great way to fill a friday evening, shaddap Tim, just shaddap! Hoping for some more NDR events in the near future...snap snap, grin grin, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more?
EDIT: I know it has been asked hundreds of times before, but what's happening to the drivers in the first race who didn't pit?