I wAnT this BOV in LfS!!1
(58 posts, started )
I wAnT this BOV in LfS!!1
f*ckin bov's are soo stupid, and this guy is retarded
you guys are dumb to watch this video
you all have no life®

O mai gad...
#4 - J@tko
Quote from zeugnimod :f*ckin bov's are soo stupid, and this guy is retarded
you guys are dumb to watch this video
you all have no life®


All I can say is

Only in America...
Quote from zeugnimod :f*ckin bov's are soo stupid

Because Bov's serve absolutely no purpose, right?
Car companies just put them on cars just for the fun of it?

Quote from Klutch :Because Bov's serve absolutely no purpose, right?
Car companies just put them on cars just for the fun of it?


Quote from Klutch :Because Bov's serve absolutely no purpose, right?
Car companies just put them on cars just for the fun of it?


Zeugnimod has a point however. The only mistake was that he forgot to add "aftermarket" before "bov".

I've never heard a stock bov (isn't it called a wastegate anyway?) that makes such stupid noise as all those aftermarket bov's do. It's just for the show effect, and therefor quite stupid, yes.

The duck bov is awesome tho!
Looks like actually nobody really reads the youtube comments.
#9 - J@tko
#10 - Osco
somebody needs to do this and video tape it
dude they just did

Quote from zeugnimod :Looks like actually nobody really reads the youtube comments.

i do. and i noticed you got all the credit for that comment. i was was wondering if the other posters have still to notice you quoted from youtube...........
Haha, the thing itself is retarded, the comments on youtube are retarded and the replies here are...well..erhm..
haha, it made me laugh..

Someone needs to try it with one of those unravelling party hooters.

About the comments, this is priceless:

Quote :
BlackRoseRX7 (1 month ago): somebody needs to do this and video tape it
PAVONEZORZ (1 day ago) : dude they just did

EDIT: Gah, beaten to it
The youtube community are probably the most stupid internet community.

party blower is a nice idea.
Quote from DTrott :The youtube community are probably the most stupid internet community.

I wouldn't even call it a "community". Everybody can just sign up with whatever name he likes, post insulting and stupid comments and nobody will care. It's like /b/ without pictures.

I also posted comments on videos but I don't consider myself as part of a "youtube community".
Quote from jibber :

I've never heard a stock bov (isn't it called a wastegate anyway?) that makes such stupid noise as all those aftermarket bov's do. It's just for the show effect, and therefor quite stupid, yes.

The duck bov is awesome tho!

Wastegate and BOV are two completely different things. BOV is in the boost pipe (or how I should call it in english) before throttle body and it keeps the turbo from chattering when the throttle is closed and the pressure gets back to the turbo (or it would without BOV).

Wastegate on another hand is controlling the boost itself, it controls the spinning speed of the turbo and ie. external wastegate has it's place in the exhaust manifold.

Stock cars BOV doesn't usually make that much noise, because they don't usually pass the pressure straightly to the open air and stock cars have lots of "sound proofing stuff" in the inlet side.

For tuning and high performance these type of BOVs aren't that good and sound proofing usually isn't a good thing either.

BOVs aren't stupid, but if you want one for only making teh cool noise, it's stupid.
Quote from avellis :Something's not quite right with your shift key.

Now that I see you online: Fix our servers!
Quote from zeugnimod :I wouldn't even call it a "community". Everybody can just sign up with whatever name he likes, post insulting and stupid comments and nobody will care. It's like /b/ without pictures.

I also posted comments on videos but I don't consider myself as part of a "youtube community".

I couldn't think of better word to use.

haha that was hilarious
I had a horn on my kid's bike that sounded like this.
I thought it was really cool... when I was 5 years old.
Quote from Klutch :Because Bov's serve absolutely no purpose, right?
Car companies just put them on cars just for the fun of it?


Well that depends on if you're stupid enough to use an atmospheric dump valve, when the manufacturer specified a recirculating one, just to get as "cool" sound when you lift off or change gear when they always result in messed up fuel mixtures and worse performance.

There are no producton road cars that I can think of that use atmospheric dump valves these days. So yes, atmospheric valves are of no purpose what-so-ever in that sense.
Quote from jibber :Zeugnimod has a point however. The only mistake was that he forgot to add "aftermarket" before "bov".

I've never heard a stock bov (isn't it called a wastegate anyway?) that makes such stupid noise as all those aftermarket bov's do. It's just for the show effect, and therefor quite stupid, yes.

The duck bov is awesome tho!

beats having a re-serc valve anyways.
Quote from gezmoor :Well that depends on if you're stupid enough to use an atmospheric dump valve, when the manufacturer specified a recirculating one, just to get as "cool" sound when you lift off or change gear when they always result in messed up fuel mixtures and worse performance.

There are no producton road cars that I can think of that use atmospheric dump valves these days. So yes, atmospheric valves are of no purpose what-so-ever in that sense.

Standard bov's can leak after a while when getting into higher boost ranges, and due to old age.

Theres a good reason people buy aftermarket bovs (Both plumb-back and atmospheric)

BOV's have nothing to do with worse performance (Unless its constantly leaking) or messed up fuel mixtures. Seeing as the BOV has nothing to do with fuel...

The reason they don't use atmospheric bovs are that they're loud and unnesecery(spelling, i know)
Quote from jibber :Zeugnimod has a point however. The only mistake was that he forgot to add "aftermarket" before "bov".

I've never heard a stock bov (isn't it called a wastegate anyway?) that makes such stupid noise as all those aftermarket bov's do. It's just for the show effect, and therefor quite stupid, yes.

The duck bov is awesome tho!

As someone said above, Wastegates and Bov's are completely different.

A Bov realeses boost pressure, a Wastegate controls the boost.
Quote from theirishnoob :beats having a re-serc valve anyways.

It actually doesn't. If you take a stock car and change the re-serc dump valve to an atmospheric BOV, you can damage your engine/exhaust (without changing something in the engine management). An aftermarket system is usually made to be adjustable to a certain pressure in a certain pressure range. Stock ones usually can't be adjusted. This may be a reason why you'd most likely use an aftermarket one for a tuned car where the turbo pressure has changed (would be my guess). But there is no reason as far as i know (performance wise), why you couldn't achieve the same with a "closed" system. Therefor, i still believe that the only benefit you get from an atmospheric BOV, is the "cool" noise it makes.

You are right, it's not the same thing. I always thought of a BOV as a wastegate, while it's not. In german we call it "Umluftventil" i think.

I wAnT this BOV in LfS!!1
(58 posts, started )