The online racing simulator
Quote from thisnameistaken :Is that a scheduled public release of 1.1 in February or March, then?

If it appears by February 2009 I'll be shocked.

I suspect that 1.04 will be developed in the next month and then beta tested, so it may be after the end of Jan that it's released. Lets say its a planned release of 1.10 some weeks after that.

Even i can admit it would be stupid to say when it will happen, but expect development cycles to be months rather than years from now on
Downloaded, and its, um, interesting.

1600 feels like an MRT on steriods to me - is that the setup?

If so can I haz gd setz pl0x?

The skid sound is shocking, but I like the immersion.
Quote from The Moose :updates will be put on so that it will be done with suggestions from users.


Quote :for 1.04, he plans to use the whole january for development.
for 1.1, which should include the hillclimb, it should come some weeks later.
for 2.0, he plans to have the first car-on-track by the end of january.

hang on so nkp will be 36€ for the current content + the hillclimb fixed to a point where it actually runs and anyhting after that will be 2.0 ie another 36€?
Quote from The Moose :I suspect that 1.04 will be developed in the next month and then beta tested, so it may be after the end of Jan that it's released. Lets say its a planned release of 1.10 some weeks after that.

Well I don't think I'll mothball my skeptic's hat right this minute. I'm expecting a post from Jaap in July explaining why it hasn't been released yet, along with a video of something completely unrelated that Kunos has been developing instead.
Quote from DaveWS :One major problem I'm having, and more so with this than any other sim, is tearing. Now either I turn on v-sync, and get quite major lag which massively impacts the connection with the car; or I limit the framerate. In other sims I limit to the fps to just under 60, so that I get little to no input lag, and very little tearing. However in NKP the tearing is horrific. Any help or suggestions? Cheers.

I was having similar issues, after turning off FPS overlay in Ati Tray Tools, no more tearing.
Also for wheel lag - if you use ati card, find "Render frames ahead" or something similar, and set it to zero.
I'm not on my home pc, so I don't know exact name...
Had a bit more of a go now, and I quite like it. Horrendously off the pace (1.07.6 around Newbury) [although that wasn't that slow on the server i went on], but it is kinda nice once you get the tyres up to temp (I think)
Quote from The Moose :
for 1.04, he plans to use the whole january for development.
for 1.1, which should include the hillclimb, it should come some weeks later.
for 2.0, he plans to have the first car-on-track by the end of january.
if he still spares some time he would like to try to port the audio system to XAudio2

Not that I don't belive it, but on how many (different) projects is kunos working at the moment? I'm sure that some stuff like the new netcode will work in both nkp versions, but I have some doubts that it's a good idea to split his time (I think he's also still doing stuff for BRD?) by working on several different things.

I really want to give nkp another chance, but reading all this stuff what is now worked and released "soon" leaves me just with a "of course and tomorrow hell will freeze" feeling atm.

Driving the demo atm is nice and feels like a "realistic" car, but the rest puts me off every time.
Quote from Shotglass :?hang on so nkp will be 36€ for the current content + the hillclimb fixed to a point where it actually runs and anything after that will be 2.0 ie another 36€?

There are more tracks and cars to come before 2.0
2.0 wont be released for god knows how long anyway.
Yes. The usual trend in software is to charge for sequels

Quote from thisnameistaken : I'm expecting a post from Jaap in July explaining why it hasn't been released yet, along with a video of something completely unrelated that Kunos has been developing instead.

I don't mind your cynicism Kev, it always comes across with a sense of humour

Quote from J@tko :Downloaded, and its, um, interesting.

1600 feels like an MRT on steriods to me - is that the setup?

If so can I haz gd setz pl0x?

The skid sound is shocking, but I like the immersion.

In the sfx folder rename the skid.wav to skid.wav.ori and change the skidPro.wav (or whatever its called) to skid.wav Much better, you can actually turn the skid sound slider up without fear of bursting your eardrums

Couple of basic 1600 setups below. Change FFB settings and steering ratio to suit. Autoclutch is off by default. No one likes my setups anyway, you've been warned
Attached files
Moose1600 base sets.rar - 1.3 KB - 233 views
The Crashing sound is also dreadful.
Quote from The Moose : No one likes my setups anyway, you've been warned

Not true. I just alter the seat position and the ff gain...scrub that, I've discovered HARDMODE=1 Perfick!
Quote from Shotglass :im pretty sure that means vagina
and im not sure if i condone talking vaginas with subtitles... you gotta draw the line somewhere

Somehow the drawing lines bit reminded me of Delicatessen and there wasn't even any seafood in that movie.

Quote from Shotglass :am i? i hadnt noticed and certainly not intended

Just look at him - he's like a nicheJaap already catering specifically to the LFS community. You've pushed him too far.

Quote from Shotglass :also i enjoy your comparison of nkp and the apocalypse which most prophecies seem to be about

You've just gone and created an etymological loop there. If it was any more profound there wouldn't be any words left in this thread. Or even worse a semantics elemental could try and possess the person who replied to that just for the sake of pointing it out.
Quote from Doorman : I've discovered HARDMODE=1 Perfick!

I cant believe i still haven't tried that. I hear its great with the FF's (not so with the winged cars though apparently)

Off to give it a try.....
Quote from xaotik :Just look at him - he's like a nicheJaap already catering specifically to the LFS community. You've pushed him too far.


The only thing in common i share with Jaap is a huge enthusiasm for nKPro. (and i really do try to keep my comments about it a little more balanced and based in reality than he does sometimes )

All i want to do is make people more aware of it and get them to try it for themselves. If just one of the LFS'ers here tried it and bought it because of my comments than its job done as far as im concerned

If i've gone into preachy fanboy mode a bit recently it's only because i haven't been this excited about something since Melanie Fletcher showed me her tits behind the school bikeshed

Ill try and tone it down a bit.....
Quote from The Moose :There are more tracks and cars to come before 2.0
2.0 wont be released for god knows how long anyway.
Yes. The usual trend in software is to charge for sequels

yeah but you made it sound like hell work on 2.0 right after 1.1 is out
so the way i understood it was that nkp will get 2 patches after reaching something that can be considered 1.0 status... which religiously speaking wouldnt be enough for kunos to reach absolution (and having been born closer to the vatican than most of us wont help either)

Quote from xaotik :Somehow the drawing lines bit reminded me of Delicatessen and there wasn't even any seafood in that movie.

despite wanting to watch that movie for years unfortunately i still havent gotten round to it so im afraid ill have to ask you to explain
actually i was thinking more of 'the girl with two breasts'

Quote :Just look at him - he's like a nicheJaap already catering specifically to the LFS community. You've pushed him too far.

im not sure i approve of your attempt to make me experiment just how far i can push him if i tried

Quote :You've just gone and created an etymological loop there. If it was any more profound there wouldn't be any words left in this thread. Or even worse a semantics elemental could try and possess the person who replied to that just for the sake of pointing it out.

dont make me regret voting kev for funniest-08

Quote from The Moose :All i want to do is make people more aware of it

we could try wearing red ribbons to raise awareness
Quote from Shotglass :yeah but you made it sound like hell work on 2.0 right after 1.1 is out

Nothing to do with me. The quick and dirty summary was from RSC, I'm just the messenger.

Quote from Shotglass :we could try wearing red ribbons to raise awareness

lol, I'll organise a fund raiser as well, and try to get an official nKPro public holiday instated
For some reason I've suddenly got an oscilation of FFB through my steering wheel which becomes faster with speed. I'm sure it never used to be like that.... ????

That aside, found this onboard on youtube, which looks extremely close to how the FF1600 drives in NK: ... eature=related&fmt=18[url="file:///D:/Documents%20and%20Settings/David%20Williams/My%20Documents/nkp/Lastplace%201.03%20v1.nkst"][/url]

Edit: Any chance of having the PW for the dead men server? I assume locked means pw'ded?
Quote from DaveWS :For some reason I've suddenly got an oscilation of FFB through my steering wheel which becomes faster with speed. I'm sure it never used to be like that.... ????

Flatspots? Using a set with different FFB settings?

great vid...that shows just how similar it is to drive them in nKPro
Bah, thread goes to second page, I had an edit. It was, could I have the PW for the dead men server? Or is there an event or something going on?

Edit: No, I'm not sure what it is, I even reinstalled it again, and it's still there... :/
Quote from DaveWS :Bah, thread goes to second page, I had an edit. It was, could I have the PW for the dead men server? Or is there an event or something going on?

Best to sign up on their forum, and look for the LFS password.
OK cheers.
Quote from DaveWS :

Edit: No, I'm not sure what it is, I even reinstalled it again, and it's still there... :/

Hmm if it isn't the FF friction or FF damping settings i dont know what to suggest. You have them both on 0 right? Tried lowering the gain a step at a time? Out of ideas i'm afraid.
I've had the FFB change as well oddly enough.

NetKar Pro [v1.3 released]
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