The online racing simulator
1090 topics, 2264 posts, 1 user
(129 posts, started )
#26 - wien
Quote from The Very End :god damnit I canot spell words today

They have this awesome new technology these days called a spell checker.
Actually I canot find that, neverthless I am too lazy to be bottered to look upon single words I'm not sure off

Neverthless, less me, more...uhm well..
That guy needs someone to talk to.
#28 - wien
Quote from The Very End :Actually I canot find that

Then I assume you need to get yourself a proper browser. Firefox has one built right in, and so does Opera if I'm not mistaken.
...and his Photobucket

quoted from someone who digged this:
Quote from some dude :how to blog on a forum because blogspot is just too complicated

Quote from danthebangerboy :sounds like dalags and SoD stuff!

Not even close Dan.

This is a whole new scale.


edit: This guy follows people on YouTube who use emulators who do their own wrestling federations. Like this guy.

Quote from Jon606 :...what

I have reasoning to believe that this guy is some sort of autistic.

Also, the SA thread

Hey dont make fun of autistic people you bastard i hate it whne poeple make fun of people like me

On topic this guy needs some friends
Just chill matey, i know jon, and i know for a fact that he would not mean anything in a nasty way, as more of a joke than anything. And why call him a bastard, he has parents, so that makes that particular insult a bit rubbish.I am mildly autistic myself so i do understand. I laugh at myself about it, makes me feel better.
Quote from danthebangerboy :Just chill matey, i know jon, and i know for a fact that he would not mean anything in a nasty way, as more of a joke than anything. And why call him a bastard, he has parents, so that makes that particular insult a bit rubbish.I am mildly autistic myself so i do understand. I laugh at myself about it, makes me feel better.

i think it was a joke
and I thought my life had no purpose and wasn't bringing anything valuable to the community
This thread reminds me of that dude from Sweden or something. If he could get 5 million visitors, he would get laid. Anyone know what happened?

OT :

Tried to sign up, to keep him company. And I was rejected

#37 - 5haz
The internet is a queer place.

No I do not mean gay, grow up.
at least he is a Laker fan. lol
I feel sad for hin...

Poor guy =,(
Wow, just wow...

When I first saw it I thought it was some kind of stats changer (there's some of those for InvisionFree forums), and I thought he had changed the stats on the script so it showed up more posts than there actually are, but after looking for the forums, I noticed he has really posted everything in there

Poor guy.. ... isplay&num=1228886776
He bumps his own topics
this is the kind of people that scare me...
Aww, so lonely! We are pretty much the only ones reading it.

Tbh, I wouldn't bother signing up. that guy scares me.
That's the true meaning of NO LIFE ...

But it's ... fun in another way
Am I the only one who suddenly has to think of the comic-seller guy in simpsons ?
Someone give that guy a life. Ouch.
Hmm seems like he never got married to Nurse Joy in the end
I think i gotta make a Forum too and talk to myself xD

no just kidding, but that guy is a freak
Quote from G!NhO :I think i gotta make a Forum too and talk to myself xD

no just kidding, but that guy is a freak

With nearly 3.4k posts in just about a year, it seems like you're almost taking to yourself (or you just spam alot.:razz
No, he just spams alot.

1090 topics, 2264 posts, 1 user
(129 posts, started )