Let us commence a journey into the much-traveled topic of Long posts's unendurable attempts to provide dangerous party animals with a milieu in which they can deliver an additional blow to dignity and self-worth. The nitty-gritty of what I'm about to write is this: Instead of taking the easy path in life, the downward path, we must choose the upward path regardless of the pain, suffering, and sacrifice that this choice entails. Only then can we finally reveal some shocking facts about Long posts's smear tactics. Yes, Long posts will try to stop us by forcing me to fall firmly into the hands of stroppy, abusive election-year also-rans, but his rejoinders are more than just sexist. They're a revolt against nature. He needs to stop living in denial. He needs to wake up and realize that his flimflams are not pedantic treatises expressing theories or extravaganzas dealing in fables or fancies. They are substantial, sober outpourings from the very soul of vandalism. Is it any wonder that Long posts lacks the dim flicker of sentience one needs to qualify as an imbecile? The simple ability to halt the adulation heaped upon dishonest geeks is a pons asinorum that Long posts may never cross. The facts are indisputable, the arguments are impeccable, and the consequences are undeniable. So why does Long posts claim that taxpayers are a magic purse that never runs out of gold? It's an interesting question and its examination will help us understand how Long posts's mind works. Let me start by providing evidence that Long posts presents one face to the public, a face that tells people what they want to hear. Then, in private, he devises new schemes to violate strongly held principles regarding deferral of current satisfaction for long-term gains. We must pave the way for people of every sex, race, and socioeconomic status to fulfill their own spiritual destiny. As mentioned above, however, that is not enough. It is necessary to do more. It is necessary to find the common ground that enables others to examine the social and cultural conditions that lead him to parlay personal and political conspiracy theories into a multimillion-dollar financial empire.
Whenever anyone states the obvious—that Long posts's speeches tend to be more phatic than illustrative—discussion naturally progresses towards the question, "Why doesn't Long posts point a critical finger at himself for a change?" My best guess, for what it may be worth, is based on two key observations. The first observation is that Long posts is incapable of looking with an open mind at anything that doesn't strictly endorse his views. The second, more telling, observation is that his agitprop machine is running at full throttle. Please re-read and memorize that sentence if you still believe that society is screaming for Long posts's sophistries. As if you didn't know, the purpose of this letter is far greater than to prove to you how prurient and dodgy he has become. The purpose of this letter is to get you to start thinking for yourself, to start thinking about how that last statement is almost a tautology. From this anecdotal evidence I would argue that Long posts is on some sort of thesaurus-fueled rampage. Every sentence he writes is filled with needlessly long words like "auriculoventricular" and "photochronographical". Either Long posts is deliberately trying to confuse us or else he's secretly scheming to glorify pathological, suppressive, murderous governments as the ideologically correct alternative to all other possibilities. I've left out many criticisms of Long posts from this wailing wall of a letter. Nevertheless, I suspect that it's a start—a philosophical space where we can plant a new flag symbolizing all that is wrong with Long posts.