im sorry but thats completely your own fault for trying out a beta of an os letting it loose on your data and not even reading any of the w7 news channels eg here (posted a week before the public beta came out) ... -7-beta-damages-some-mp3/
with the hotfix "leaking" out to the public a day before the jan 9th (technically more like jan 10th) release ... beta-patch-fixes-mp3-bug/
as dt said its the os' job to do file io and with a beta you must expect anything and everything to go wrong on that end
and as vain said as far as potential major beta bugs go thats nothing
the point of releasing a beta is not to give users a chance to try out the os for themselfs but to get a huge installbase of people wholl find bugs (fully aware that there will be bugs in any form from complete showstoppers to minor annoyances)
as far as backwards in quality is concerend: its not supposed to be a quality release
its called beta 1 for a reason feature complete but full of bugs
on a sidenote in case you havent played "pandemic 2" try it look at my avatar and consider yourself compared to madagascar