The online racing simulator
Sorry, it just annoys me Sam moans about money and having to get a job and having no prospects when he has a fully formed company sitting right there and all he has to do is flog a few ads, and I get booted off and taken off the xmas card list just for "being a money grabber" despite never grabbing any - can you say irational much? Then here it is again moaning there's no billboard ads in LFS. They are less visible than the ads already onscreen via X-System but currently showing CTRA and they've never been sold, so why go chasing minor adverts when you cant sell the big ones?

Regarding stewarding, if the volume is now sufficient that voluntary report handling isnt working then take the plunge, get off your unemployed butt, and write some emails and make the follow on phone calls, try it at least, all you gonna lose is the cost of a few calls.

Just dont go moaning life is hard and saying it's all LFS' fault. It isnt.
#52 - SamH
I'm going to close this discussion, since it's been talked out. Some closing points, however: As Becky very well knows, the people who subscribe to UKCT are not buying into an FTP archive of illegal software/movies. As a UKCT member, I'm wholly insulted by that suggestion - but that was the intention, I know. FTR, for £5/month UKCT members have the option to start:
A personal teamspeak server;
An LFS server;
Unlimited websites/space;
Unlimited email domains;
Access to UKCT-CamChat (a Flash-based webcam/audio application server, capable of up to 16 simultaneous video connections);
A BF2 server running multiple TotalBF2 mods;
Unlimited FTP space;
Up to 500GB of secure remote file storage
Not bad for £5/month, IMO. The above list is what you get when you subscribe. Additionally, some UKCT subscribers share their uploads/downloads with other subscribers. This is the "illegal media" that Becky refers to. It is NOT the "premium service" that Becky makes it out to be, and she damn well knows it. Becky blows hot and cold, frankly. The only dependable aspect of Becky is that she'll stab you, soon as look at you. It's barely two minutes since I wrote Becky an API for herself, so she could collect all the data she wanted from the CTRA database for a project of hers.. now she's kicking and biting again, and I have no idea what we did this time to offend her. Same ole. Yes, I can say irrational. I can even spell it correctly.

As for the reports, there are many reasons why CTRA admins are not willing/able to commit the time to them that is needed. Chris is a perfect example, and I certainly don't begrudge him his work, his education or his daughter. I'm absolutely sure Chris knows that of me.

CTRA admining is something you do when you feel like doing it, and not at any other time. You can't do a report correctly when you're not in the frame of mind that you want to do a GOOD job rather than just get it out of the way and move on. It's pivotal. A report that isn't processed right does far more harm than good, and we're here to do good things.

Lastly, I haven't complained to ANYONE about money, at ANY point. NOT ONCE. The only thing I've complained about is having to do things I DONT want to do - contracts etc in the run up to Christmas, which get in the way of the things I LIKE doing, specifically projects like CTRA. You're not on the inside track, Becky, and you don't know diddly. Do me a favour and stop spouting your erroneous assumptions about me and my personal situation, and FFS listen at you. THIS is why UKCT unanimously ditched you - you badmouthed them all with some very big lies.
#53 - SamH
Closed. Enough. I'm pissed off and I'm not entertaining any more malignancy.
This thread is closed