Hi Mr.aptitudex...
First of all, i would like to ask you, not to insult me after this advices.
Thanks in advanced.
If i may:
1- I advice you to be more friendly towards this community if want to be respected in the future.
2- I advice you to read some tuturials when you decide to do any work that you are not familiar with and decide to share it with others. For better results on that specific work, and at the same time being a pleasant experience for those who see it.
3- We all have first time's.... it's the way we handle it that makes the diference.
Per example: You get laid for the very first time, and afterwards you want to know if she/he liked it, and a wild guess...surprise, surprise...sadly you sucked.
Would you start insulting her/he for your bad performance, since you didn't even had a pick at the kama sutra book (Making videos thread

) and didn't made her/him "happy"?
I know it may not be the perfect example, but hell you started it! Comparing yourself and your "special technics" with Tarantino awesome work?? Fail?? Hell yehhh!
More serious now mate... this is a good community imo, and i've learned alot from it, and yes even how to react to "bad" comments about stuff i make. Btw the people that you insulted are actually guys witch work and opinion i respect and admire. But what imo is most upseting is the fact that your not actually a newby...a member since 2005 if i saw it properly?
Don't take this personally, and try to assimilate all this feedback as suport from the community... if it was that bad...this thread wouldnt have one single reply, and if your work and attitude doesn't change, im afraid that cenario may became reality.