The online racing simulator
G25 Windows 7 problem
(6 posts, started )
G25 Windows 7 problem
Hi Everyone ive been using windows 7 for almost a week now i just reinstalled LFS a few days ago ,

problem is the g25 doesnt sync with lfs wheel 1/4 of the turn it is fine but the last few inches of the wheel turn rapidly in lfs so when im driving i can use 1/4 of the steering but if i move it any more than that it rapidly hits full lock without me using all the degree of rotation ive tryed recalbrating axis set up all options as i normal would i also reinstalled LFS and G25 drivers and its still the same ?? seems to work fine in othergames just not lfs ???

any help would be highly aprresiated

thanks in advance


EDIT: the Clear Calibration Utility Didnt work eather

i will put up screen shots of settings if neccacary
I offer a useful piece of advice:

Do not use beta operating systems with alpha software with unsupported drivers. All it can result in is heartbreak.
lol yea true never even thaught about that LOL works fine in othergames tho *sighs* ill just have to dual boot again
Quote from MUFFMAN001 :Hi Everyone ive been using windows 7 for almost a week now i just reinstalled LFS a few days ago ,

problem is the g25 doesnt sync with lfs wheel 1/4 of the turn it is fine but the last few inches of the wheel turn rapidly in lfs so when im driving i can use 1/4 of the steering but if i move it any more than that it rapidly hits full lock without me using all the degree of rotation ive tryed recalbrating axis set up all options as i normal would i also reinstalled LFS and G25 drivers and its still the same ?? seems to work fine in othergames just not lfs ???

any help would be highly aprresiated

thanks in advance


EDIT: the Clear Calibration Utility Didnt work eather

i will put up screen shots of settings if neccacary

send an email to logitech that they know about the problem, so we will all have better drivers at official release of 7
well i formatted and went back to xp ..... and same problem

and its only doing it in lfs all other games work normal
Have you turned the wheel fully in both directions while you're in-game? Sometimes that helps.

G25 Windows 7 problem
(6 posts, started )