More Moderators.....
(238 posts, started )
More Moderators.....
I'v recently started seeing more flaming on this site then a house on fire, some of the stuff said by the people you rant on, take the piss out of someone, bad mouth them, call them noobs etc etc etc is just unacceptable this i ment to be a community a friendly place yet i fail to see this. I understand the ammount of "new!" people joining the servers/forums and asking the most div'y Questions and pointless posts but i think its got out of control in some sections where i dont even like coming on here my self because i dont find it a friendly place at all. Now i expect to get flammed so through your banana's it will just show how immature this place is getting, I also don't think im the only one who thinks this just need the forums a little more supervised.


I think it's fine as it is now.

I don't want this forum to become something where you have to think 10 times before posting something because it might offend one person.
Been discussed not too long ago, after someone else started a very similar thread I find this forum to be a pretty friendly place, actually. Sure there's noob bashing and flamewars, but with a community as big and diverse as this one you're bound to get those things. I think the moderators do a pretty good job. They keep an eye on things, close threads that need closing etc... while not being overly dictatorial.

What this forums needs is less idiots. And the removal of .bmp as accepted upload filetype.
Thats the Problem of this Forum for Newbies....
If you have a question, you got flamed like dont know what
This is why i dont post much at this forum

Regards BlackBullet
Oh of course i wouldnt dream of putting down mods/admin just i think i fill sorry for the poor sods who get so badly flammed it just doesnt look that good. I did search for a simular post but didnt come across any but just a Suggestion :P
didnt know there were mods tbh

maybe they are just poor at thier job ?

Or just bias as hell
as a forum moderator myself (on some other forum), i have to say that they respond pretty quickly to reports, and i hardly ever see spammers here... so they must be doing something alright...
Quote from TheBlackBullet :Thats the Problem of this Forum for Newbies....
If you have a question, you got flamed like dont know what
This is why i dont post much at this forum

Regards BlackBullet

Nope, the problem is not being new. Actually, this is one of the rare forums these days where respect isn't directly proportional to the post count or join date.

The problem isn't a question being asked, if the question is legitimate and as of yet unanswered.

The problem is, very simply put, thick people. People too damn dumb to use the most simple functions of the forums like search. People to stupid to read comprehensively. People too ignorant to notice other threads on the same topic even if they are on the very first page of the forum.

Honestly, if those blithering idiots would actually be scared of posting here, the world in general and this forum in particular would be a better place.
Quote from ColeusRattus :The problem is, very simply put, thick people. People too damn dumb to use the most simple functions of the forums like search. People to stupid to read comprehensively. People too ignorant to notice other threads on the same topic even if they are on the very first page of the forum.

Honestly, if those blithering idiots would actually be scared of posting here, the world in general and this forum in particular would be a better place.

put the demoers on their own forums, problem solved.

Quote :maybe google "forum whore" ?

grow up and get off their asses.
Quote from Logicalx :I'v recently started seeing more flaming on this site then a house on fire, some of the stuff said by the people you rant on, take the piss out of someone, bad mouth them, call them noobs etc etc etc is just unacceptable this i ment to be a community a friendly place yet i fail to see this. I understand the ammount of "new!" people joining the servers/forums and asking the most div'y Questions and pointless posts but i think its got out of control in some sections where i dont even like coming on here my self because i dont find it a friendly place at all. Now i expect to get flammed so through your banana's it will just show how immature this place is getting, I also don't think im the only one who thinks this just need the forums a little more supervised.

You mean to stop comments like this one?
Quote from Logicalx :Where are the Moderators on this forums, Seriously some of you guys make me ****ing sick with the absolute shite that being typed here, yes we have had endless amount of posts about NFS upgrades and extra crap being suggested but bloody hell you dont have to start ripping the absolute shite out the poor lad ffs.....

Calm down zeugi, don't let yourself down to his level.

Sometimes I wonder what it is that makes forum lurkers suddenly post, but doesn't give them enough - let's say "intellect" - not to make complete fools out of themselves.

EDIT: Also, in other threads, I would call to reason so the thread wouldn't get locked. As this very topic has been discusssed numerous times already (see my former post for my feelings about that), I don't mind about it though.
The only problem with moderation here compared to elsewhere is that the moderators are allowed to post an opinion on a thread and then close it, which if they are involved in the debate can lead to leaving a very bad taste. Most forums I know dont do this, giving moderators this kind of ego boost is bad and some moderators I have seen abuse this - but on the whole I think the moderation here is pretty good and the community itself is very friendly.
Is this thread a kind of "proof of concept" regarding moderation or only a coincidence?
Well I don't want to be a moderator because I will still do sometimes very stupid threads. However, when I get the thread point, I would call it a checkpoint.

Quote from Mille Sabords :Is this thread a kind of "proof of concept" regarding moderation or only a coincidence?

MUST be coincidence !
nice one i lolled alot
More mod accounts mean more accounts to be hacked and mayhem caused.
#18 - Gunn
Quote from amp88 :More mod accounts mean more accounts to be hacked and mayhem caused.

Why does it mean that?
you guys delete my post but you don't do anything about doc's flaming? real mature there.
The first response in this thread should have been stfu n00b. I would have lol'd hard
#21 - Gunn
I've cleaned this thread of the petty bickering and insults. If anyone wishes to continue trolling and abusing each other in this thread I'm sure we can arrange some time off for you.
#22 - Gunn
Quote from bunder9999 :you guys delete my post but you don't do anything about doc's flaming? real mature there.

I deleted all his flame posts except the one where he flamed the mods. Sorry that you got it all wrong.
People got too addicted to the forum.

Oh and I think that the mods are actually doing there job good enough, atleast better than you guys (spams and shi).

Face it, you guys are far from addicted. Some of you just make threads for attention like this one.

Posting nonsense is what I really hate. When I try to read something useful I always see one of them posting dumb posts like trying to be funny "uhu uhu" We laughed very funny indeed -Not.

You guys want to hear my opinion about you guys? 25% idiots 25% trolls 45% post-whores and 5% smart people.
Quote from Gunn :I deleted all his flame posts except the one where he flamed the mods. Sorry that you got it all wrong.

apologies. but wouldn't it make more sense to just lock the thread than censoring it? on our forum we don't delete anything... including spam. (which goes in a hidden category)
#25 - Gunn
Quote from bunder9999 :apologies. but wouldn't it make more sense to just lock the thread than censoring it? on our forum we don't delete anything... including spam. (which goes in a hidden category)

No, in this case it would be better to remove the entire argument to prevent it from fuelling even more unrest here or elsewhere between the persons arguing with each other. Rather than leave fuel for the fire it's better to just eliminate the fire. The thread topic has nothing to do with the trolling and arguing posted here, it's completely off topic. People can discuss this topic openly if they behave. I see no reason to lock it unless it becomes too much work to maintain.

More Moderators.....
(238 posts, started )