A few problems
(10 posts, started )
A few problems
I recently obtained Live for speed. It is very good. I love the physics. But i have a few issues.

I see on videos that you see the drivers arms, but these only come up when i press f, but that means you cant see the car, but only the suspension/

And also, in replay mode, (Esc - Replay) can you jump back to driving without re-starting the race again.

And lastly, In Shift+U mode in replay, can you rewind and fast foward so you dont have to run your camera to the point before you get there?
#2 - J@tko
Quote from joedidyjoe :I recently obtained Live for speed. It is very good. I love the physics. But i have a few issues.

I see on videos that you see the drivers arms, but these only come up when i press f, but that means you cant see the car, but only the suspension/

And also, in replay mode, (Esc - Replay) can you jump back to driving without re-starting the race again.

And lastly, In Shift+U mode in replay, can you rewind and fast foward so you dont have to run your camera to the point before you get there?
  1. Options > View > Draw Driver/Wheel
  2. Erm, don't think so. Never run replay mode in SP I don't think
  3. Yep, put your mouse to the bottom of the screen so the replay bar appears, and drag the bar along. If you can't see the bar then press shift-f a couple of times to see if that helps.
2. Yes, if you play a replay (SP mode, .spr file) and press esc you get a menu in which you have the option to "test drive" the car.
Than means you drive the car with the setup that was used in the first place.
This way you can get the chance to drive the setup from anyone who uploaded a hotlap on LFS World, but you will not be able to save this setup as your own.
Thanks guys. So you have to finish driving and then view the replay.
That's 100% correct. But you can finish driving when ever you choose at least.

In single player press "1" or use Escape to view the replay. If you want to continue that race, you can't. But after a long race you can view the whole replay afterwards. If you leave a race the replay is saved as TMP_SPR.SPR which you can access from the replay menu.

Same for in multiplayer races, but use "2" to save the replay and also view it from the REPLAY menu outside the race area.
Ive got another problem. Im trying to get templates to do skins. Ive done skins for other games ive played. The only ones ive found are Here: http://forum.racesimcentral.com/showthread.php?t=190270

But whenever i download them, it says the file is corrupted. I just want an XRG template. I cant find any tutorials either.
Ok. I made an extremely quick one. I checked it with LFS Viewer, but now how do i get it in the game? What folder, and i save it as what name?
Right, the files need to be in the .JPG file format. And be 1024x1024 pixels in size.

To get them into the game, the files need to be named correctly at the beginning.

You need to use the three letter car name followed by _, in this case, XRG_ After the _ you can call it whatever you want to. For example, XRG_joedidyjoe

The files need to be saved in the data/skins folder, which is in your main LFS folder.

Mine is LFS/data/skins.

Thats about it really.

Quick tip, when saving as a jpg file, i wouldnt use the standard mspaint to do it, as it does a horrible job and makes it really bad quality. I use photofiltre, which is free, has more options, and gives you a quality setting when saving, which is good.

I hope that helps you mate, and welcome to LFS, the place to race!
Another very good and free image editing software is Paint.net. A lot of features and tools comparable to the ones you get in Photoshop. Obviously, Photoshop has a lot more possibilities but for skinning purposes Paint.net should fit you well enough.

EDIT: I see Mille already mentioned Paint.net Oh well...

A few problems
(10 posts, started )