The online racing simulator
More Moderators.....
(238 posts, started )
i can see your point toddshooter but i think there is a need for a mod to post in a thread to give reason for closing etc or to moderate the thread itself (telling people to calm down over certain issues, as a group instead of individually) but i sorta agree with the idea that a mod that has been a part of the discussion should not be allowed to moderate it above a certain level
I don't know what gave some of you here the idea that this forum is related to democracy in any way
Quote from Mille Sabords :I don't know what gave some of you here the idea that this forum is related to democracy in any way

It should be above Democracy. It should be "Fair to all"
Quote from ColeusRattus :Nope, the search is usefull if you know how to use it. Try typing words you're looking for into the blank space. With the advanced search, you can search even more accurately.

the search is extremely and utterly useless and just return every post with any of your search terms in it and doesnt even sort them by relevance
vbbs search has allways and by the looks of it will allways be a waste of time

oh and could we please autoban anyone who posts "in before the lock"?
Quote from Shotglass :oh and could we please autoban anyone who posts "in before the lock"?


And anybody whose post consists of nothing but a played-out 4chan meme from 2005.

These two policy changes would tidy the whole forum up within a week.
Quote from Shotglass :the search is extremely and utterly useless and just return every post with any of your search terms in it and doesnt even sort them by relevance
vbbs search has allways and by the looks of it will allways be a waste of time

oh and could we please autoban anyone who posts "in before the lock"?

Quote from thisnameistaken :+1000.

And anybody whose post consists of nothing but a played-out 4chan meme from 2005.

These two policy changes would tidy the whole forum up within a week.

Not forgetting "first post!".
#83 - SamH
Quote from Toddshooter :It should be above Democracy. It should be "Fair to all"

Nonsense. If subforum owners want to lock threads in their own sections, they can do so. They don't have to put up with anything they don't want to and they can have the last word if they want. It's silly to suggest any other way.
Quote from SamH :Nonsense. If subforum owners want to lock threads in their own sections, they can do so. They don't have to put up with anything they don't want to and they can have the last word if they want. It's silly to suggest any other way.

Obviously this is the way it works in the Subforums. I don't think its right though.
#85 - SamH
Quote from Toddshooter :Obviously this is the way it works in the Subforums. I don't think its right though.

It's absolutely necessary to minimise the level of trolling and shit stirring that would otherwise go unchecked. It would be an impossible task, moderating the forum as a whole if subforum owners weren't able to moderate their own subsections.
As much as I agree that the moderators are (no offence) intolerable pricks, I can promise that you'd all suffer much more under my tyrannical reign.

Consider yourselves lucky.
We wuv u 2 Kev.
#88 - SamH
That reminds me, I ordered a new Kev voodoo doll and an extra pack of hat pins from the Widget Shop before Christmas, but they haven't arrived yet. Can ya look into it pls Bob? The old one's all stabbed-out and threadbare
i think a new mod or two would be handy but theirs nobody of the caliber to step upto the plate
In your opinion. I can think of one or two people that would make admirable moderators in my eyes.
Quote from SamH :That reminds me, I ordered a new Kev voodoo doll and an extra pack of hat pins from the Widget Shop before Christmas, but they haven't arrived yet. Can ya look into it pls Bob? The old one's all stabbed-out and threadbare

I shudder to think what you'd do with a Kev doll. I'm also a little bit concerned that Bob's found a market for them and I'm not getting any royalties.
#92 - SamH
I think there are some good candidates on the forum.. new and old. We occasionally discuss possible mods with the devs, but I don't think there's a sense of urgency to find new people. Needed tasks are being dealt with within a reasonable space of time and although there are more nonsense threads these days than there ever used to be, we're not over-run by them.

As Karl said earlier, becoming a mod changes your perceived emphasis on the forum. It's ironic that we get invited to be mods for being who we are, and yet we feel a sense that we need to change who we are once we become mods. I think it's important to keep being true to who you are.

I'm determined to be the same grumpy, hyper-critical SOB that I was before I was made into a mod. So far, so good It's an unfortunate fact that when you become a moderator, many people assume you're constantly asserting your authority with a voice like two tombstone slabs rubbing together.. when in fact you're just trying to join in with a discussion. Sod's law
You have to change at least a little bit though. You have to set a good example, so I can't create silly threads, push the rules, or post as much crap as I used to a few years back when I was just a 'normal' member.

Actually I'm really curious how the past few years would have been if I were never made mod. Would I get (almost) as much stick as Jakq/Tristy for posting? At first I think I'd certainly have spent far less time on these forums, as I wouldn't be doing all the moderating tasks, but then perhaps I would have spent as much time actually being part of the community, reading and posting more, rather than acting as teacher.

Kev - your name and appearance is not trademarked, so there's no legal way of enforcing royalty payments. Plus there's no way your real body would bend into such positions.

Edit: this is where some people would add something retarded, like "whoop! leet + 8000 posts".
#94 - CSU1
yeah kev - get bent
Quote from SamH :I think there are some good candidates on the forum.. new and old. We occasionally discuss possible mods with the devs, but I don't think there's a sense of urgency to find new people. Needed tasks are being dealt with within a reasonable space of time and although there are more nonsense threads these days than there ever used to be, we're not over-run by them.

As Karl said earlier, becoming a mod changes your perceived emphasis on the forum. It's ironic that we get invited to be mods for being who we are, and yet we feel a sense that we need to change who we are once we become mods. I think it's important to keep being true to who you are.

I'm determined to be the same grumpy, hyper-critical SOB that I was before I was made into a mod. So far, so good It's an unfortunate fact that when you become a moderator, many people assume you're constantly asserting your authority with a voice like two tombstone slabs rubbing together.. when in fact you're just trying to join in with a discussion. Sod's law

Hear Hear!! (or whatever it is)

Its a bit of a strange thing really. Usually being a moderator means you have to turn yourself into an evil and begruntled git. In our case we have not had to change who we are.

There are a fair few nonsence posts around, But looking through them most of the time i can see a group of people having fun and enjoying their time on the forum, participating in such threads, With the odd 1 or 2 that feel its their duty to point out that a thread or post is not entirely accurate to the forums catagory.

If its all in good spirit of things (within reason) Then there is no need to close the thread. Threads that get closed are where things get taken too far.. needlessly.

I have myself set to appear offline because just as sam it does tend to attract extra needless attention (sudden random e-mails / pm's etc) im normally around during the evenings till 2 - 3am but 9 times out of 10 anything that needs urgent attention is already done by one of the other moderators before i get there.

I've actually quite babbled on now. I blame kev as this is the most likely cause anyhow.
The forum has changed beyond recognition for the worse since I signed up for a tour of LFS,does it bother me? I have the option of not reading.
On the track things are still look healthy, seen some new drivers who will do very nice in the months and hopefully years ahead.
Observed a change where a few years ago blatant Wreckers would post on the forum and would come over like very reasonable misunderstood chaps, thankfully that trend now seems reversed.

I wish this and other forums were here when I studied Psychology years ago... rich pickings.
Agreed with all the above, however Franky, nearly every time a thread, where any sort of discussion has/is taking place, it's generally the case that the moderator who closed it disclosed their view and then locked it. Tbh thats not fair..

Should just a closed with a reason why, and if I may, I think we're all (generally speaking) mature enough, so I don't think we need the lectures when threads are closed anyway.
Quote from Bob Smith :You have to change at least a little bit though. You have to set a good example, so I can't create silly threads, push the rules, or post as much crap as I used to a few years back when I was just a 'normal' member.

Just get a secondary user name which shows your status as a moderator, that way you can still join in on threads and maybe push it a weeny bit, to join in with some fun with your original user name, and without constant PM's and such, as mentioned earlier in the thread. Just use the new user name to moderate.

I'm not suggesting for a minute that moderators should ever ever feel discouraged from posting because they are a moderator, they are obviously a valuable asset to this forum to have been appointed as such in the first place.

Its always nice to have a bit of banter with moderators, as i believe that it makes them more approachable if you know what i mean, and stops them being viewed solely as an authority figure, something which i think is wrong.

The moderators on here do a very good job IMO, as i have seen daft threads closed really quickly, which is excellent, as it cannot be an easy task at all.
#99 - 5haz
The moderators have their work done for them...

Now in every thread there are usually around 10 people who think they are moderators squarking "crap thread oh my god".

This forum isnt exactly massive anyway, and we don't want to end up like RSC, with a few million moderators closing every thread.
Quote from 5haz :The moderators have their work done for them...

Now in every thread there are usually around 10 people who think they are moderators squarking "crap thread oh my god".

This forum isnt exactly massive anyway, and we don't want to end up like RSC, with a few million moderators closing every thread.

To be fair, if someone is talking total rubbish, or just being a kretin, spamming, causing trouble, etc then why shouldn't other forum members express their views by telling the people involved that they are being a prat??

More Moderators.....
(238 posts, started )