The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
In one word: GREAT
Man you are making dreams, as far as it concerns Lapper, come true.
Take you time and don't rush it.
As long as you keep reporting once in a while, we are fine I think.
Can't use the "limited" admin rights
Hi everyone,

As everyone i do have a question as well , the lapper is running nice and smooth, but, i can't use the "limited" admin rights.

In the script it's this part:

$UseUsernameForAuthentication = true;

Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
$allow = "Username or Nickname";
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

I won't mention the other 3, the problem is for all 4 the Register MsgAction parts. In the game i get the message "You do not have admin rights".

However, the IdleExclude does work, as far as i know the UseUsernameForAuthentication = true is working well.

Can somebody give me a hint?

lfslapper error
pleasee please please help me iam keep having this problem InSim : password does not match your multiplayer admin password help help help please write the cemment to this email [email protected] please
Quote from mefast :pleasee please please help me iam keep having this problem InSim : password does not match your multiplayer admin password help help help please write the cemment to this email [email protected] please


See page 1 of this thread.
  1. Make sure you have .NET Framework installed (Mono will work, too).
  2. Extract archive to arbitrary directory.
  3. Open cfg/LFSLapper.lpr with UTF8 or ansi compliant ( PSPPAD -> ) editor and modify value in line $Password = Pass, so that Password matches Admin password of your LFS server.
  4. Start LFS server and type /insim 29999. Do not expect any confirmation from LFS.
  5. Start bin/NETStartDefault.bat and ignore warnings about some files not being created yet...
Quote from []Deamon :Hi everyone,

As everyone i do have a question as well , the lapper is running nice and smooth, but, i can't use the "limited" admin rights.
I won't mention the other 3, the problem is for all 4 the Register MsgAction parts. In the game i get the message "You do not have admin rights".

However, the IdleExclude does work, as far as i know the UseUsernameForAuthentication = true is working well.

Can somebody give me a hint?

Your script looks ok.
Use $allow = "username"; or you can use a file with the usernames of the admin's $allow = "&C:\Program Files\LFS\CommonFiles\admin.txt";

Make a text file for example admin.txt

Tim NL

$UseUsernameForAuthentication = true;
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
$allow = "&C:\Program Files\LFS\CommonFiles\admin.txt";
openGlobalButton( "test",40,50,120,15,10,4,0,"" . $Nickname . " ^3is testing...",);

Hi Tim,

Quote :Use $allow = "username"; or you can use a file with the usernames of the admin's $allow = "&C:\Program Files\LFS\CommonFiles\admin.txt";

I've tried both suggestions as well, the files are in the same directory as LFSlapper, instead of the full path i've used "&./admin.txt" as mentioned in the manual.

The path redirection is the same as the swearword options which works fine, tonight i will give the full path solution a try, hopefully it will work! (makes me even feel more stupid... :shrug

Tnx for your time!
Hi everyone i am new to this lapper and have acouple of questions i have got it setup and it seems to be running fine but for some reason i can not get the friendly ranks on the server to work and when you type the command !top there are no results any suggestions
Quote from cwomack :Hi everyone i am new to this lapper and have acouple of questions i have got it setup and it seems to be running fine but for some reason i can not get the friendly ranks on the server to work and when you type the command !top there are no results any suggestions

This is most likely caused by not having the correct DefaultTopCar(s) selected in the script.
Lucky me, i'm not stupid , tonight i've tested with the full path and this doesn't work either, tomorrow i will try the debug option see if that will give some more info.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Pitboard has gone to version 1.43

Hi Yisc[NL]
Have you gone public on your great Pitboard yet?
Quote from sinanju :Hi Yisc[NL]
Have you gone public on your great Pitboard yet?

No, I have to wait until 5.715 is released but from what I've read from Gai, this isn't gonna happen. So we have to wait for 5.8x and then I'll rewrite the code for the Pitboard since it's becoming a foggy piece of code in which I've lost my way several times.
Quote from 'Yisc[NL :And guess what..............I've found a solution

Nice one! I already used a variable for displaying the used cars in an infobar at the top of the screen, so implementing the adaptive !top command was a piece of cake. Thanks!
Quote from YamaSuba.NL :Nice one! I already used a variable for displaying the used cars in an infobar at the top of the screen, so implementing the adaptive !top command was a piece of cake. Thanks!

BTW: When using the rotation-facility it should be even faster to implement. If you use $CurrRotateCar, you wouldn't have to worry about defining/setting the $DTC variable. Just adapting the !top command using $CurrRotateCar in stead of $DTC should be enough.
I'm glad I could help you YamaSuba
And yes, that other idea is very useful when you're using rotation.

To using new PitBoard i release intermediate update version to fix some bugs before the 5.8 !

Quote :
|Changes from v5.714 to 5.715|
1. Fix Bug when synchro of multiple PB instance in the same directory

2. Fix conversion float to string in parser eval "=="

3. Add new var
$LapsDone -> Lap done for the current player

4. Add new config var and event
$PitWindowStart=2; -> Begin allowed pit start at this lap ( included )
$PitWindowStop=4; -> End allowed pit finish at this lap ( included )

Event OnNotPitWindow() -> Triggered when a play do a pit on not allowed window
Event OnBeginPitWindow() -> Triggered when a player enter in the pit window allowed lap
Event OnEndPitWindow() -> Triggered when a player exit off the pit window allowed lap

5. Fix HandicapUsers issue when you want use a file

Pitboard V1.42b

I'm proud to release the next version of my Pitboard to the public. To make certain you get all the information you need, I've pasted everything in a text file and uploaded it to this forum. Every section has a header so you know where to put the code. I hope you enjoy the new features.

I have also included the options to:

- to set the numbers of stops
- to set the start and ending of the pitwindow
- to clear the pitwindow
- everything needed to work with a safetycar in combination with the Pitboard


1.41 / 1.41b:

- Added safetycar options
- Cleaned up code"


- Added option to compare times to leader
- Number of splits is auto configured


- Added RCM for SC deployed / SC in
- Added command to clear pitwindow
Attached files
Pitboard_v142b.txt - 119.3 KB - 323 views

@Gai-luron Great features Small question.
Is the pitwindow based on the number of lap's per player or is the pitwindow based on the number of lap's of the leader of the race?

@Yisc Looks very good

Edit: strange i watched and downloaded the pitboard but number of view's is still 0
Hi all

I've been working on creating a "Drift Meter" for a friend of mine who's into drifting. As a keyboard user, it's something I can't do very well.

I did trawl thru this whole forum post to see if anyone else had done one, but no such luck.

Anyway, he's tried it, and advises he's extremely satisfied with the results ("Is that it?", to be precise), so I thought I'd load it here.

Anyway, here it is. No guarantee that it's good or well written.

I've actually done 2 versions; a small one, which I put up beside the top mirror, and a larger, more detailed one, in bottom left. They can be seen in action at Sin'rs.

When adding to LFSLapper, put in 'Drifting Options' section.

Note: If you use either or both of these meters, then you can't turn them on or of. That's my next bit of coding to try.

Positive feedback welcomed. Negative feedback should be kept to yourself!

PS I did them for version 5.714, which was the current version as of yesterday.
Attached images
Small drift meter.bmp
Large drift meter.bmp
Attached files
Small Drift Meter Function.txt - 1008 B - 288 views
Large Drift Meter Function.txt - 1.3 KB - 291 views
Notes for small drift meter.txt - 5.1 KB - 266 views
Notes for large drift meter.txt - 5.4 KB - 291 views
Quote from sinanju :
Note: If you use either or both of these meters, then you can't turn them on or of. That's my next bit of coding to try.

Positive feedback welcomed. Negative feedback should be kept to yourself!

PS I did them for version 5.714, which was the current version as of yesterday.

You can use a var for the left and top position of your buttons.
Something like ,

To move your button's you have only to change the var's $origL and $origT .
And to put on or off change the $drift_on_off to "off".

#Event triggered when lapper start#
Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $drift_on_off ;
$drift_on_off = "on" ;
GlobalVar $origL ;
$origL = "131" ;
GlobalVar $origT ;
$origT = "10" ;
#Drifting options#
Event OnDriftScore()
IF( $drift_on_off == "on" )
openPrivButton( "sdmback",$origL,$origT,22,14,4,-1,32," " );
openPrivButton( "sdmtext",$origL+1,$origT+1,20,4,4,-1,16,"^3DRIFT METER" );
IF( $AngleVelocity < 0 )
openPrivButton( "sdmscores",$origL+1,$origT+5,20,4,4,-1,16,"Scores: ^2" . $DriftScore . " ^7" . $LastDriftScore );
openPrivButton( "sdmangle",$origL+1,$origT+9,20,4,4,-1,16,"Drift Angle: ^7" . $Angle_drift . "^2 =>" );
openPrivButton( "sdmscores",$origL+1,$origT+5,20,4,4,-1,16,"Scores: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3" . $LastDriftScore );
openPrivButton( "sdmangle",$origL+1,$origT+9,20,4,4,-1,16,"Drift Angle: ^2<= ^7" . $AngleVelocity . " " );

Quote from Tim NL :Hi,
You can use a var for the left and top position of your buttons.
Something like ,

To move your button's you have only to change the var's $origL and $origT .
And to put on or off change the $drift_on_off to "off".

That would be easiest way probably, but quite a few people use this $orig variable - esp YISC[NL] in his pitboard utility, which I use.

Can you have more than a single $orig? e.g. $origL1=, $origL2=, etc?
Quote from sinanju :
Can you have more than a single $orig? e.g. $origL1=, $origL2=, etc?

Yep, Any name you want
Drifting Scoring Query:

Is there a query that can be used to add all the drift scores made in a lap and give a total at the end of the lap?

$LastDriftScore gives the score for the drift just made, and $DriftScore is for combination score of previous drift score(s) plus current drift score. Doesn't matter where you are in the lap, but if you do new drift after previous combo, then scores reset.

I'd also like the lap scores to be added together to give me a total at end of race/drift competition.

Are these existing LFSLapper expressions, or would they have to be made to be included in any future release? Assuming possible.

AND. Assuming is possible, what about Drift Lap PB and Drift Race PB?
Can be done with PlayerVars but then you have to get track of every single player. Possible yes, but not easy to do. When taking some time, skill etc. it can be made. I think it would be better to wait a few weeks for the next release of Lapper, otherwise you have to do it all again because of the drasticly changing code.
I case you didn't noticed, Lapper 5.716 is released yesterday, fixing a bug with $H_Mass and $T_Mass. Download can be found on the first page of this thread.
LFS Lapper question
I installed LFS Lapper on my computer and it was very easy.

I do have one error I was hoping someone would be able to help me with.

"Loading WR...Not Loaded" Can someone help me with this error.

This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )