Legends Racing Team is now official!
(208 posts, started )
Nice work, Ken!
Grats like I said before. You should of added the part where I followed you instead of passing and pulling away!
On a second thought I was lucky not take you or Diaz out when I crash. A stupid move from me, luckely and fair only me who got cought.

Both of you did so good ...
Congrats Kenneth
Thanks everyone, it was a fun race, and it has been even more fun at LRT.
#106 - AMB
Yup Congratulations.
huhuhu, gratz kenny
We have now changed our name to our real names like for excample LRT|Tomhah to LRT|T.Østgaard
Quote from Lunggi :Id be interested in joining!

i believe that one of the requirements is to have a s2 account
Very well done ken mate, sounds like it was a good race
Quote from Lunggi :Id be interested in joining!

We are an S2 only team, get an S2 license and a bit of expierience with some of the cars then we could test you.

@Dan: Thanks, it was a really fun race.
Grats with the team. Wish you all the best in the future.
Thank you
Held og lykke. Ser meget seriøst og gennemtænkt ud
Quote from Zyrez :Held og lykke. Ser meget seriøst og gennemtænkt ud

Thank you
You can download the .doc file which looks better than this here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=F037OT1V

LRT finished top two in the dMr event!

Legends Racing Team’s Tommy Østgaard and Kenneth O’Keefe did participate in dead man’s racing’s weekly event in week five in the combo XRG/AS2. None of them was well prepared, and Tommy Østgaard did not even know that there was an event before 5 minutes until the qualification started, but they were going to do what they could. Kenneth O’Keefe had a very good setup (which he sent to Tommy of course) and they did very well in the qualification. Kenneth O’Keefe finished 1st on an incredible 1:21.57, only0.220 sec behind the world record! Tommy Østgaard finished 3rd with a 1:21.97 while the privateer Manny finished second between the two LRT drivers with a 1:21.77. (The top three ended with 7 in their best lap^^)

Kenneth O'Keefe won the qualification!

The lights turned red. Tommy knew that he had to get past Manny very quick if he should have a chance at finishing second. The race format could be decided on the first lap. Kenneth was supposed to push from the start and try to get some space down to Tommy. The lights turned green! Manny tried to pass Kenneth on the outside in T1 while Tommy was right behind Kenneth. Kenneth came out of T1 in front of Manny and Tommy side by side! Tommy was some millimeters behind Manny who had the inside line for the next corner. Manny was in front but was nearly drifting in the chicane, and Tommy tried to pass on the inside but they both got a spin, and Deetz took the second place with Manny and Tommy right behind. Tommy passed Manny in the last turn and was 3rd while they moved out on lap number two. They kept driving like this nearly the whole race. Tommy was second and got some space by one second some times in the race, but Manny managed to catch it up again.

Tommy Østgaard is doing what he can do hold Manny behind him.

They kept driving like this nearly the whole race. Tommy blocked and did everything to keep the driver(s) behind. Kenneth O’Keefe was just pushing from the rest of the field and no one could ever challenge him for the 1st place. Tommy Østgaard finished second just in front of Manny who finished 3rd. Legends Racing Team got top 2 which was their goal. A very good and tactical race!

We want to thank everyone who participated in the race and Dead men’s racing for arranging the race.

No one did ever have a chance against Kenneth who drove the race alone in front.

LRT finished 1st and 2nd.

Tommy Østgaard
[email protected]
Team manager of Legends Racing Team

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Congrats LRT Tomhah when is LRT's site coming as its being awhile.
Nice going guys!
Quote from swisscosmo :Congrats LRT Tomhah when is LRT's site coming as its being awhile.

I really dont know. Im trying to push the guys who is making it, but it takes some time it seems. I hope it will be ready within this or next week. Im going to call Sebastian today

Thanks btw
Havent wrote or made a "race-report" of the races today, so I will just let you know where we finished and what we raced today.

6 Hours of Fern Bay: Rudy Van Buren was a guest driver for LRT in this race (He is a member of F1rst racing team) and he was driving with Kenneth O'Keefe. Rudy Van Buren was the fastest guy out here by seconds! Kenneth was the fastest after Van Buren, and since they nearly didnt do any mistakes, they won! Team Scream (Element and Fletcho) finished second while The Danish Racing Team finished third.

Head to head: Both Tommy Østgaard and Stein-André Skavdal participated in the H2H series round three. Both Stein-André and Tommy was trough to round one before they actually met each other in round two. Stein-André Skavdal did a mistake in T1 and gave Tommy a lead he didnt lost. Tommy was beated by the race-winner in the semi-final David Williams.

IGTC test-race: Kenneth O'Keefe and Adelin Demetrius was supposed to drive this race, but Adelin's wheel decided to not work (due to the computer) so he couldt not drive. Kenneth did nearly drive the whole race by him self (one and a half hour) before Tommy Østgaard who was coming from the H2H event in a UF1 had to drive the FZR. The goal for this race was not to win, just to stay out of trouble and dont do any mistakes. We didnt do any either and finished 12th, and thats not too bad since Tommy Østgaard was not prepaird at all and Kenneth started last in the race, since he spectated in the qualifying.

As you can see, we did some great results today. The highlight was 6 hours of Fern Bay (where I actually was one of the commentators!) where we won, but the other results was very good too. We have had a great start of 2009 indeed
Very well done guys and and most of all well done kenneth for participating in 2 events
Quote from dan12s :Very well done guys and and most of all well done kenneth for participating in 2 events

thanks. I also did H2H and IGTC :P
Tommy participated in 2 events too and one after the other going from one of the slowest cars to one of the fastest xD

Grats guys and good job to all of you.
Quote from Tomhah :thanks. I also did H2H and IGTC :P

Hehe im osrry i didnt see :P well done to you too then

Legends Racing Team is now official!
(208 posts, started )