The online racing simulator
This Weeks Likes And Dislikes.
(162 posts, started )
Likes: sunny vacation, weekend.
Dislikes: Rainy homecoming, getting to work again
Another week has come and gone....whats changed

  • Still nothing
  • All movies with Hugh Jackman and Jason Stratham.......Still.
  • Going to the football tomorrow knowing that instead of standing in the Jailend with the rest of the guys eating a god-awful pie yet able to speak freely at anything and everything I fell like, I will instead have to entertain some clients in a hospitality box who undoubtedly don't care about my team or the game but will instead get stuck into the bar at the earliest opportunity and if they do happen to catch a bit of the game will no doubt be condescending about the little team in the Highlands........well listen mate, my little team has more soul than you're plastic team you little fake piece of crap!!!!
  • Papercuts
  • The general feeling of dread creeping over my shoulder for the next couple of weeks.....I don't know what it is but I really hate January as a month.
  • Watching a good chunk of my wage paid out on Friday.....being pissed away on bills, bills and booze (the last one may have been my fault)
  • The fact that's it's taken me odd mins to post this crap
-Celebrate my bday with a lot of alcohol
-Probably meet the girl that makes my world round

-Terrible hangover i may have
-Probably fail to meet the girl that makes my world go round
-Back to school in Monday, and with Homework



Quote from chanoman315 :Likes:
-Probably meet the girl that makes my world round

-Probably fail to meet the girl that makes my world go round

There's a club if you'd like to go?
You could meet somebody who really loves you.
So you go and you stand on your own,
And you leave on your own,
And you go home and you cry and you want to die.

Bit of encouragement there from Morrissey.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Likes:
- Redheads
- Redheads
- did I mention Redheads?


- School Tomorrow
-It's ****ing snowing
- I just tried netKar Pro and didn't kill myself. In fact, I actually found it to not suck as bad as I thought, all it needs is more content and to not take 4 years per patch (at this rate, it will take 388 years for Kunos to release netKar Pro 2.)

dude, snow is awesome! Well, here in Colorado anyway
  • had a snowball fight with my friends in 50 degree weather.
  • Got all I my schoolwork done.
  • Had two burgers (homemade BTW. Never had one in like 6 months)
  • My parents are gone for the evening
  • My brother is gone for the evening
  • Found out how great a Bugatti Veyron is.
  • Learned some new stuff
  • And i woke up this morning
  • My friend perposly dropped my soccer ball (which should be called football) on my Ferrari F40 model.
  • Got a 71% on my final exam for Science
  • Found a dead spider in my bin which is right beside me (still haven't removed it because i HATE spiders)
  • Got 3 dead arms
  • I didn't get to sleep in even though I do online school.
  • My brothers still owe me money
  • My friend spray painted paper in my room (and he is still my friend... weird)
  • a snowball hit me extremely hard in the butt.
  • got my iPod taken away for no reason (thanks to my mom)
My week has sucked! Oh well, next week will be better.

Quote: Thinking about positives in your life can make your life go smoother.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Likes:




I am double posting again, but I am so sorry. Hope things turn for the better!

Quote: guacemole anyone?
What is Guacemole anyway?

And how did you find how great a Veyron is?

And you do online school? We were gunna get this over in Britain but they gave up/forgot about it IIRC.
-The fact that my GF had given me a *very* nice gift.
-The fact I'll most likely have the same gift tomorrow.

- I broke the index finger on my left hand.
- My DFP is dead.
- I had my phone stolen.
- My apartment is infested with cockroaches. Despite keeping it spotless.
Quote from Thunderhead :Likes:
-The fact that my GF had given me a *very* nice gift.
-The fact I'll most likely have the same gift tomorrow.

- I broke the index finger on my left hand.
- My DFP is dead.
- I had my phone stolen.
- My apartment is infested with cockroaches. Despite keeping it spotless.

well, sorry to hear that your dislikes sound suckish, but at least you got that "gift" from your GF.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :What is Guacemole anyway?

And how did you find how great a Veyron is?

And you do online school? We were gunna get this over in Britain but they gave up/forgot about it IIRC.

:jawdrop:I AM SURPRISED! It's a mexican chip dip made from salsa, avocado, lime or lemon, tomatoes, and sour cream. It's hard to make, but it tastes SOOOOOOO good if you do it right. It does look quite nasty if you picture it to be puke, but don't. For some reason though, I want some more. Also, I love it so much, I eat it by the spoonful! Also, online school is pretty cool, but if you completely depend on your social life to be at a maximum level, you wouldn't want to do it. What is cool about it though is you can end your school day whenever you want! sometimes, I never even go on it's so easy, and the teachers don't even care if you don't sign in. It's pretty cool though, it just gets lonely.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Mmm guacamole.

Mmm refried beans!

They look good i guess.

NOTE: DAMN! Double posted again!
Quote from Thunderhead :Likes:
-The fact that my GF had given me a *very* nice gift.
-The fact I'll most likely have the same gift tomorrow.

- I broke the index finger on my left hand.

At least you won't need that finger for its most important task then.

Got new clothes
Proper messy night out last night
Making good progress with work


Clothes getting destroyed on night out
Knuckles/hands cut after night out
Mates house ruined after night out
People trying to break in to our house

Classic Southampton.

I got paid this week!


After replacing the disks pads calipers and carriers with a bigger double vented setup on my car, I have spent literally the whole weekend trying to bleed the system and it won't work, no matter what i do, there are no brakes at all.

I have just spotted that i have in fact fitted the calipers the wrong way round!, so they bolt on and fit but are on the wrong sides of the car and upside down, meaning that the bleed nipple is below the brake pipe, making bleeding absolutely impossible as the air will always stay at the top and never come out in a million years. Epic Fail! :banghead:
Likes: none
Dislikes: LFS devs
  • No practica for the next 5 months
  • Won a 5-hour monopoly match
  • New rear brakes for my car
  • Good grades on some technical drawings I had to make
  • ...These brakes cost double the price i was told by the garage before they installed them
  • Facing a month full of work
  • Scawens recent post
  • Wet cold weather
Likes: Choclate

Dislikes : makes me al spotted

Dislikes: I had a detention of friday... 1 HOUR after school.
Likes: The new and rare FX box I managed to snipe this afternoon.

Dislikes: Giving all my money to the tax man yesterday.
Likes : going for my theory driving test thing in 2 weeks

Dislikes : no sex for a week
A week... - who's couting?
Week 3, has my mood changed..........

  • Nothing.....although Super Bowl on latter on.
  • All Hugh Jackman, Jason Stratham and Jude Law films..........ever.
  • Terry Butcher (new Caley Manager)
  • Being beaten on the River while looking to double up during a poker game last night which would have seen me getting a nice guaranteed min £150 instead of the nothing I got instead.

This Weeks Likes And Dislikes.
(162 posts, started )