LFS + NFS sounds
(39 posts, started )
Sorry guys.
#27 - wien
Quote from Funnybear :The thing about LFS sounds is that they are linked directly to the mechanicals of the car.

Indeed, and I must admit I had no idea how much I actually relied on that until I tried Netkar with its new sample based engine sound. It's horrible. I have absolutely no idea if I'm getting my shifts right. I have for instance no way of effectively rev-matching on down shift because It's impossible to tell WTH the engine is doing when I let the clutch out. It's just some noise. In LFS you can tell exactly how the engine is doing as the clutch engages and you can instantly tell if you did it wrong and can expect the rears to lock up or the revs to drop.

Sample based sound is just completely unusable compared to what we have in LFS.
LFS sounds are information. From the tyre squeal to the engine revs and even to some extent the wind noise. They communicate just as much to you about the handling of the car as the FFB does in the steering wheel.

They ain't there for ear candy. If you want ear candy then feel free to drive (Drive? I'm sorry, I meant play) NFS.
Quote from Funnybear :The thing about LFS sounds is that they are linked directly to the mechanicals of the car. Unlike the 'nicer' sounds in NFS which are just that, sounds. They don't confere and infomation about the state of acceleration or give any 'real time' feedback of throttle positions and the like.

LFS sounds will, I am sure, get better as the programming progress's towards S3 but you do know that you can edit the sounds yourself within LFS don't you? I can give my FZR a very boxery bark which sounds very throaty with just a little bit of tweaking. Explore LFS and the possibilties it offers you before falling head over heels in love with 'looks but no substance' sounds. LFS may not have the looks of a catwalk model, but by god it can out think one. And I know which one I'd rather take down the pub.

I'm very much aware of everything you pointed out I merely stated that I like the sound in the video better than LFS' default sounds. That being said, the sounds in LFS have never really bothered me. Which is why I don't bother with tweaking the sounds or downloading "custom" soundpacks (though I'm sure they're great).
It really does depend on your definition of 'better' doesn't it really.
eh...well, though need for speed and live for speed are miles apart when it comes to realism ( live for speed )...I would Like to try thr sounds.....could someone send me a pm on how to do it...just for shitz and giggles..
Quote from Funnybear :It really does depend on your definition of 'better' doesn't it really.

Obviously, yes. Can't argue about personal preference eh
#33 - 5tag
I don't really know what you are discussing if I'm right guessing this video is just a montage.
#34 - Gunn
Quote from obsolum :I stick to my opinion that if it had been someone else who posted that vid with no mention at all of NFS, then a lot of people who now dismiss it as unrealistic would have been drooling all over it.

They would be drooling over it if the sound was a dynamic creation instead of a static recording of a sound. It isn't that sim enthusiasts don't want realistic sounds in LFS, they want sounds that give them feedback, not some pre-recorded sample that tells you nothing about how much throttle you are applying.
It's 'better' than the current sounds we have in LFS, but isn't really what I'd consider "nicely done" if it were magically released as the final sound revisions.
sorry .. but that is a no . to make ricer sounds i use the sound tweaker in lfs. its less complicated .... and it is more productive than a sound from need for speed ( The speed pill ... not speed like speed.... but the pill ! )
The only sound in NFS is:

throttle: BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT *shift* *ksht* (blow-off) + *bwlugk* (backfire)
lift: *whisper*
throttle: BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT *wheelspin* *wheelie* *shift* *ksht* (blow-off) + *bwlugk* (backfire)

Khe, hee damn close to real.

LFS + NFS sounds
(39 posts, started )