This is the car that should never hit the roads in LFS ... horium-concept-2009-01-15

Quote : TOP GEAR

This is the Cadillac Word Thorium Fuel Concept, a nuclear-powered futuremobile from designer Loren Kulesus. As you might have noticed, that name can be handily abbreviated to ‘WTF concept’ an acronym that – in the world of the internet at least – stands for What The, er, Heck. We assume Mr Kulesus was well aware of this.

The name fits this car perfectly
car full of radioactive material + lfs' collision detection
dont think ive ever heard a better idea for a game
#5 - CSU1

#6 - J@tko
#7 - G!NhO
Cadillac WTFc LOLZorz!!!
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
Oh dear.. a NUCLEAR?! power car.

Unless they want everyone to die every time someone has a ding in a car park, I suggest they stick to hydrogen fuel cells.

But DAMN it looks nice.

Quote :So what can we expect next from Kulesus? The Chevy IMHO? The Pontiac ROFL? The Corvette LOLacopter? Oh dear.

#9 - bbman
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Oh dear.. a NUCLEAR?! power car.

Unless they want everyone to die every time someone has a ding in a car park, I suggest they stick to hydrogen fuel cells.

But DAMN it looks nice.

Yeah, because the potential energy from a hydrogen explosion is so much better... :doh:

Anyway, it doesn't say whether it's fusion or fission... The former doesn't quite have the problems of the latter...
At least it won't radiate everyone, which is my point.
(Velociround) DELETED by Velociround
Quote from S14 DRIFT :At least it won't radiate everyone, which is my point.

good point ... but it will make a blast at least 100x more powerful than the nuclear car ...... ( for once i can now say thanks to my science teacher ... xD )
Best car name! The WTF makes me go 'WTF?!'

EDIT: Gotta love the last paragraph!
Quote from el pibe :good point ... but it will make a blast at least 100x more powerful than the nuclear car ...... ( for once i can now say thanks to my science teacher ... xD )

I think you're underestimating the complexity of making a hydrogen bomb out of a hydrogen fuel cell, I mean... all you need is a fully functional hydrogen bomb, strapped onto the hydrogen fuel cell...
Doesn't make me go WTF at all. Aside from the wheels and all that design nonsense, nuclear powered car is starting to make sense, unlike in the 50's when there was plenty of oil for everyone.

Not a viable solution for passenger cars I think. But for trucks and lorries, which eventually keep economies running and are run by diesel, it would be great and far more better solution than running them with vegetablebiodiesel rubbish.
Quote from Jertje :I think you're underestimating the complexity of making a hydrogen bomb out of a hydrogen fuel cell, I mean... all you need is a fully functional hydrogen bomb, strapped onto the hydrogen fuel cell...

No, but I imagine ripping a pressurized tank full of hydrogen with lots of sparks flying through the air is quite dangerous...
Quote from gezmoor :A futeristic American car.. oh the irony

i bet they will send one to irak and ...... :hide:
Don't be saying that. They are watching. :hide:
Attached images
Quote from Inouva :So what can we expect next from Kulesus? The Chevy IMHO? The Pontiac ROFL? The Corvette LOLacopter? Oh dear. We’re making internet-jokes. Time to stop.

At first I thought that you wrote that but I was wrong...

Dang that'd be my perfect gift!
Quote from Inouva :So what can we expect next from Kulesus? The Chevy IMHO? The Pontiac ROFL? The Corvette LOLacopter? Oh dear. We’re making internet-jokes. Time to stop.

the Bmw LOLACAUST is next