(27 posts, started )
looks REALLY good
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... SV4Uk&feature=related
http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/dor/ ... UEL_Interview_081908.html
Fuel is a game coming out this year that has a 14400 square kilometer open world race track that is affected by weather conditions such as tornadoes, blizzards, etc, which affect your driving in severe ways. It's the first racing game that allows you to go absolutely anywhere. There are zero boundaries. Early videos show the graphics looking a bit weak, but those are probably only preliminary visuals.
Quote :fule

It's 'Fuel.'

Looks like this game will be good to. That's another rally game by CM coming out soon! waiting for DiRT 2's release aswell.
Looks really good!

I want to buy a PS3 more than ever now.
Quote from piggy501 :Looks really good!

I want to buy a PS3 more than ever now.

its ps3 exclusive?
Hell yeah that looks awsome. I will buy it and always drive into tornados :P.
I wonder if the game will look nearly as good as the trailer that they rendered?
Hmmm looks a bit like a competitor to Motorstorm to me?
You can edit the thread title by editing the first post
Looks pretty interesting. Codemasters has never managed to make a half decent game, so hopefully this one ends that streak. It looks promising.
the game's due out on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC in 2009.

Here you have it
Quote from Töki (HUN) :You can edit the thread title by editing the first post

Nope, it only edits the title on the post.

Anyways, what's the fuss about? All I can see is a computer animation film, with no actual gameplay shown. Doesn't tell anything does it. Sure, it does sound like 1nsane on drugs, but I'll wait and see before I judge or praise.
Oh ok, keep me alive
Quote from Timdpr :Is is only for PS3?

Sorry for misunderstanding.

Description in YouTube video says PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.
Even though this looks a little bit Motorstormy, it looks very interesting, and i like Motorstorm, so i shall be giving it a try at least...
I have Motorstorm 2 here and can say that Fuel does look good. Motostorm only look good from the trailers. When you play, it just look like any other arcade racing game.
Here we go again...
good thing its not brown at all
awesome game! wish I had a 360 or PS3. IDK, should I get a PS3 for this game, or an XBOX 360? Oh yeah, its FUEL dude, not Fule. oh well though, this game looks crazy awesome though!!! thanks for sharing it with us!
Mmmm... 14400 square KM just seems like too much for a normal person to enjoy. The size of the map in TDU was probably about as big as you can feasibly get without making the player feel like a tiny dot in a large universe. (I.E without having to either drive about with the included fold out map, or constantly having to pause to check the in-game map)

However, the dynamic weather effects should proove to be interesting, and hopefully will force other developers to think in much the same way, so maybe in, for example, TDU2, should it ever come out, there'd be rain that reduces grip, strong winds that can cause high speed stability issues in certain cars, more so than others, etc. Effects of weather seem pretty nice, and any game that has tornadoes in it is most certainly a game worth playing in my books.

Might check this out on PC if it's released on it. Looks pretty neat. Possibly a reason to start saving up for a PS3... Hmm..
looks so good but its going to be such a let down,

let a decent production company take that engine and bolt a forza knock off onto it,

Then, you have a good game.
I honestly don't think it looks very good at all. That trailer was just like a cutscene and didn't show off any physics. Or if those were supposed to be physics, arcade or not, they look awful! I'll probably give this one a miss, at least until I see some decent gameplay footage.

(27 posts, started )