Need a bit of advice for tail lights dds
Hey everyone, long time no see, huh. Been off LFS for ages

So anyways i come here in seek of advice, i'm making some new stuff such
as a (to be) good skyline r32, yes, pasted lights galore and all that, i
know most of you arent fond of those but thats besides the point!

So as you can see on the pic, Im doing the rear lights, issue is, i can
only use pitch black for what was supposed to be the car color, since
anything else will become transparent, and when i brake, anything that isnt
black lights up (as you can see, the light panel "indent" around the lights
lights up aswell);

That is troublesome, i tried fiddling with alpha channels with no luck, is
there any solution? Any? O:

And yeah, help greatly appreciated cheers

yeah rear lights are too big for the brake action panel
but who cares, also, any graphics that goes into the turnlights
area is a whole [lot] darker than the rest for some reason, duhrr.[/i]

I'm not a texturer, but I'd guess it's something to do with the alpha layers?
Hm F5 frenzy

I guessed so too, maybe I'm doing it wrong, heh, all the tail lights i saw
are pitch black so i guess nobody found a way out.

Still fiddling with it, cant make it, searched everything on the interwebs
and found nothing

Also gonna give tyres dds a whirl in the meantime, the whole "beige wheels
with a line of text" on em aint gonna cut it for me!

Still nothing? D:

dont let this hold you down "Demo Racer"
There has to be a way to override that goddamn tail light thing!

Anyways, started the front, cant really find high res pictures (forums
and ebay failed me), the grill is still WIP.


I like the grill without the headlights, personally, but that's just 'cause I'm not a huge fan of lights. Looks pretty good.
That's some nice work there!

To answer your question, there is no way to get rid of that problem with the taillights. They are a fixed size, and you have to work with that entire space. The only way to make them not light up is to paint them black. Unfortunately, you can't use alpha layers for the interior textures in LFS. (I like the black R32, so it would be great if you can make a black skin for it.)
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :That's some nice work there!

To answer your question, there is no way to get rid of that problem with the taillights. They are a fixed size, and you have to work with that entire space. The only way to make them not light up is to paint them black. Unfortunately, you can't use alpha layers for the interior textures in LFS. (I like the black R32, so it would be great if you can make a black skin for it.)


Yeah i was gonna resign for a black one, but the small issue is, when you
brake, the "indent" of the light piece will light up too (forming that yellow
line around lights). And thats ugly >_>

I was even thinking to make them another color, say, blue, and when
they light up, the whole piece will get shining blue not just the lights,
uh that'd be gross, but hey, if you dont brake they'll look fabulous

i have no idea how to do this stuff but it looks friggin sweet. only if there was an inline-6 engine to match the whole thing.
Well i did spend an extensive time testing:

Coverted the with DXT1c, DXT1a, DXT3 (and deleted alpha),
or one of those with enabled and modified alpha.

Result? always the same, the game treats the greyscale as transparent in that
skin portion (as in the car model, i guess).

So its probably hard coded in the game, altough it might be a glow
texture hidden somewhere ( suffix), or even another simple texture
that is used for other lights too.

Either ways, i wish the developers would:

-tell me if theres a way to override the damn alpha or enable the alpha
i'll be making :P


-in the next patch make the model color as white, currently the red lights
are beige, corner lights orange, Rlights white; since the model itself
is covered by the texture anyways (you dont use the transparency to
interpolate the two colors), the car model might aswell be all white.

That being said, since you can even save a jpg and rename it .dds (no
alpha channel then), the game STILL treats it as anything else, applies
alpha channel to color scales. Conclusion : i give up

Anyways, new headlight skin, more genuine and realisting, imho, the lights
shape as a whole is off so i'll have another go at it! Rear lights, gonna try
to make em purely digital rather than chop a photo and see how things
turn out; grill is finished, im not satisfied with it so i'll make another one too.

Thanks for reading this wall of text. By the way, if a mod can move this
thread to "skin work in progress" and rename the thread "Skyline gtr32 conversion for xr's" i'd be grateful for it, cheers.

Tail lights coming along pretty nicely; woot woot! shame that i cant
make full black the reverse light strips :|

Well , looks realy good , can you release it?
They look really really good will you release them
Dont know, this conversion is on its early stage, i'll decide stuff like that
later on, meanwhile, started adding badges and all to the rear, or course,
stuff like the "skyline" writing work even on black paint ^_^

I heard the xrt\xrg model was lately modified so its a possiblity that there is no
way to make that reverse pitch black anymore, i'll keep on skinning and get
back to it later on

Took a break and started the tyre sidewall

crits would be great, i know its missing a whole lot of detail, texture is

They look great i really like it!

Almost finished i guess, everything is excessively stretched (watch the
O's in yokohama) so i'll have to fix thing up.

Also, still have to add the alpha layer which will give all the " |||||| "
on the rubber a nice effect (from closeup at least).

All in all, its hardly recognizable from a distance, useful for screenies
at best ¬_¬

I guess the tire is finished, what do you guys think? Anything to fix?

Again, its 1024x1024, no need to pull a 2048 since nobody zooms that much
into tire sidewalls.

Btw its not a fidel replica. <_<

Quote from Byakugan :I guess the tire is finished, what do you guys think? Anything to fix?

Again, its 1024x1024, no need to pull a 2048 since nobody zooms that much
into tire sidewalls.

Btw its not a fidel replica. <_<

Awesome tyre ^_^ please release
Looks very nice.

but people DONT quote IMG tags...
Meh LFS database is taking forever to up it


Alright meanwhile feel free to get it here (tire sidewall)

I'm not big on ricers, but that looks great. Nice work mate
that´s awsome, i´ve only done AE86 light´s!
Can somebody upload this tyre on the other server ?? Link is destroyed Plissss
Will you release those rear lights? Looks awesome